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Everything posted by Zummy

  1. Hey guys, I'm having trouble with finding the source of my memory leak. My clients start at 700mb but slowly climb to 2gb+. First I thought it was the known sound bug but sound is disabled in-game, I also changed all webwalking to pathwalking but still the problem persists. Is there a proper way to analyse my script and see where the issue is coming from?
  2. Zummy


    Do you mean just using walkPath with a List of Positions?
  3. I've been running some bots overnight but after all this time my RAM usage per client has increased drastically, some use over 2GB of RAM. Now I've heard people say this is because of webwalking, is this true? Should I over a different method for walking?
  4. Why would you hold that much on a single mule? ?
  5. Isn't that a waste of proxies since IP gets flagged after a ban, rendering the proxy unusable?
  6. I would like to report a bug: at the financial advisor I have had an account get stuck in an infinite loop where he keeps talking to the guy before the continue dialogue is done. Should probably have the talk-to only trigger when not in dialogue.
  7. Wasn't thinking about that one, thanks! Also should use getLoginUIState instead of getLoginStageValue.
  8. Hello, I'm trying to detect whether my character is logout out during script runtime: public void logoutCheck(){ if (getClient().getLoginStageValue() == 0){ log("I'm logged out!"); loginEvent = new LoginEvent(this.login, this.password); getBot().addLoginListener(loginEvent); execute(loginEvent); } } I added the method in the onLoop but never gets triggered, am I retarded? Thanks.
  9. How can I call the login handler again when i get returned to the login screen for some reason?
  10. I'm looking for the most reliable 7QP script that has a 100% completion rate and doesn't get you insta-banned, don't care if it's 20 bucks.
  11. Is it so much less now because the market was different back then or do you invest less time in it now?
  12. Thank you again! I really appreciate all the help, that map tool is absolutely great! I do get a warning tho on my getObjects().closest() code -> Unchecked generics array creation for varargs parameter.
  13. Nevermind, I found the flaw. Apparently gridX can change?
  14. I want to mine only a certain set of rocks but I can't seem to exclude others, this is my pseudo code: RS2Object rock1 = getObjects().closest(7454); if (rock1.getGridX() != 10176){ // mine rock } Is there a proper way instead of looking at the object's grid coordinates? Thanks
  15. No ,I'm just planning ahead. Yeah that's what I'm afraid of, although I will have enough accounts ready to take their place I'm just wondering if all 90 will be send to oblivion with a snap of their fingers.
  16. Should I care about having 90 accounts running the same IP if I'm suiciding or should I get a VPN with auto ip changer or invest in proxies?
  17. Can presets be made and saved so it can be started from cli?
  18. Is this method of ban checking still effective considering captcha's and requiring you to have a registered email?
  19. Hello, I'm planning for a project and i'm trying to narrow down on a hardware setup. Currently I'm looking at this: 2x Intel Xeon E5-2620v4 2.10GHz 64GB DDR4 RAM CentOS 7 or Windows How many clients could I run with this with nointerface etc. enabled, where could I improve to squeeze more performance out of my buck? Thanks
  20. Zummy

    Stealth Quester

    How long does 7QP take max?
  21. OMG you even added linux support! You saved me so much time, thank you so much!
  22. I've been looking into that method for a few days now and I tried several different ways but I can't seem to make it happen, could you PM me it would be greatly appreciated ?
  23. I'm not saying that I am running more than 1 client, I'm planning to. I will buy VIP ofcourse but right now I'm in the process of setting things up.
  24. Hello, I'm trying to find a way to kill a specific osbot client. This is what i'm after: say I have 10 osbots clients open but I want to kill the client that has account X running, how could I achieve this? I tried: Finding a way to rename the java.exe process with a java argument in a .bat file. Finding a way to rename the window tile of the client, doesn't look like it's possible alway OSBot 2.5.8 Using a custom login handler and using System.exit, this only works with local scripts and I need to find a solution that also works with SDN scripts. Killing the process with PKILL in cmd based on it's PID but can't find the connection to link specific clients with it's PID number (which client has PID X running account X). Thanks for reading, any help is appreciated ?.
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