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  1. Hey there, I have a hand trained 70/70/70 nmz ready with 43 prayer, rock cake unlocked, and no registered email. Only 30m. Thanks
  2. Hey there, thanks for checking out the accounts! Please message me for any questions or clarification. *I'm the original owner and all accounts for sale on this thread are trained by hand* All accounts will be given to you with the following: -NO BANS OR MUTES -No registered email address attached. (Do not expect any remaining membership however a few days could be left - pm me for clarification) NMZ READY 70/70/70 At least 70/70/70 Melee Stats & 43 Prayer / NMZ Questline Complete / Dwarven Rock Cake Unlocked Current Stock: 4 Price: 30m each (also accepting Coinbase/Crypto) Pictures for reference: https://imgur.com/a/R63CvGX (Stats) https://imgur.com/a/6lRtR56 (Quests) https://imgur.com/a/MvBFXGO (Rock Cake) https://imgur.com/a/3OktCEe (Account Status) Contact me via DM or add me on discord: Bdoginn#5497 388539823151120398
  3. Hey there I can do this, just messaged you on Discord. Thanks!
  4. Hey there, I have a 60/60/60 combat account (with Obsidian NMZ questline done) that I want to be trained to 99/99/99 combat by hand. How much to get this done (OSRS gp) - Please let me know in the comments below. Thank you!
  5. Hey there! Looking for someone to take a fresh account to do the following Quests & Associated Requirements - by hand -Waterfall Quest -Vampire Slayer -The Lost City -Mountain Daughter -The Depths of Despair -The Ascent of Arceuus You cover the cost of bond & supplies - so please factor that into your price. Thanks! UPDATE: Someone is working on this now - thanks to everyone who contacted me!
  6. I can buy all of it, if you're around now?
  7. Looking for 100m 07 -- paying through Venmo Discord: Brayden921#5497
  8. @TutIslander sells tut island accounts
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