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Everything posted by DragonAlpha

  1. Valid point actually. There you go again, destroying me with logic.
  2. Did another stream today. Connected via teamviewer to justanotherkidd, helped him with general debugging and State to Task script conversion. Shockingly not banned, but I forgot to click [x] Archive and save video. *UPDATE* Did a stream with namerplz fixing up his Gold Amulet crafter - sadly my twitch account got banned again. Definitely moving to hitbox in future. (I use twitch though because it's kinda funny streaming botting help in the official runescape gaming category)
  3. The KKK guy has a black hand, showing it's a black guy dressed up faking to be in the KKK, and faking to support Trump - to make Trump look bad.
  4. btw that trump supporter saint gnome on the chat box earlier continued with me on pm I pinned him down into a logical corner but then he had to "go" Was an interesting debate still.
  5. The KKK is a group of white men, that are racist and hate blacks. If the KKK supported Trump it would look bad for him. Well here it is, the KKK supporting Trump evidence. (oops)
  6. 489 was the last valid number. so 490. (Next valid number is now 491)
  7. Runescape category. (They get banned though so we make new twitch accounts) Yah, will consider hitbox. I've had to make 3 new accounts on twitch, I like it when regular rs players come in who are totally new to botting.
  8. I do live streams where I teach new scripters. Vilius (and I) had one going for about 45 minutes with 17 viewers, in the official rs category too. (They get banned though so we make new twitch accounts) You load twitch so you can see my computer and hear me talk, I help you or answer you. Or I connect to you with teamviewer to help you code. PM me if you want to do one. (Some small basic knowledge required - how to use an if statement, have java installed, have an ide running, know basic things like string/int)
  9. His screenshots showed that it was not pending though, it had been Paid/Completed. The pending list is empty. Rather confusing.
  10. Should be instant. Click your username at the top right: then click Client Area then click Invoices then on the right side, click Paid See if it appears there.
  11. Squa designed me a paint for my script. Good fast designer, highly recommended:
  12. Few days ago I asked Dex about changing my username (Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/95490-how-do-you-change-your-display-name-on-forums/) I was trying to get my username changed from Megamanalpha to DragonAlpha. Dex said I have to buy VIP for that, exceptions can't be made for me. So I bought VIP just now to change my display name, and it all worked. But the problem now is that I've lost access to the private Scripters forum and my Scripter rank went away! Even though MattGP is a VIP, his Scripter rank stayed. 1) Can Scripter I be applied back to me please? 2) Can Scripter be my primary category? (Blue writing, not purple). If no, then please do a VIP removal on me (you can keep the money). Consider this a refund, without needing to pay me back. (Only wanted to change name). IMPORTANT: please don't remove the VIP until I get Scripter rank because otherwise I will lose access to MirrorMode. (If VIP is removed first, and it takes a few days to get Scripter back, that's a few days where I can't use MirrorMode or more than 2 bots) Other problems - can't access my script stats page:
  13. I've noticed right now that [sponsor] and [Lifetime Sponsor] both have the same PIP forum badge and username effects. The $250 donator has a rainbow name, but the $500 donator has a flashing rainbow name. As [Lifetime sponsor] costs more, and is supporting OSBot more, maybe they should get a flashing name to differentiate them from regular [sponsor]. (I am talking about the flashing stars effect that Maldesto has, although it doesn't need to be that.) Lemons (lifetime sponsor): Sibbernski (sponsor): And yes, you can juts see their badges, but in the chatbox you can't tell the difference. (Also consistency: the higher donor gets a better more distinguished effect than the lower donor)
  14. Just ignore it. OSBot now scans your scripts and gives you information about them when you open OSBot. The information is saying that script is doing "camera rotations". Ignore it.
  15. Massive respect for posting this! (Ignore anybody that calls you dumb, this is kind of funny)
  16. JESUS CHRIST DUDE - NASTY. You missed the point entirely here it seems.
  17. Yep, shows it's an error with the Path Finder (not just the executor-walking-script).
  18. In some cases it won't even walk to the door (unless it's open already). Example: You are near the top right of the loaded region (104x104 tiles I think it is, or 102x102). Anyway, the door will be at the bottom left, this means the door is loaded in memory, the client sees the Door is closed and is blocking. Your webwalker won't even move anywhere near it, but as soon as a player over 50 tiles away opens the door, your webwalker executor-script then runs, because now it found a path. Mostly though yes, it will walk right up to the door.
  19. My post had a lot to do with his issue though. I can give you many locations that CAN be reached, where web walker always fails and says "Path not found" when the Door/Gate is closed. The path finding part is broken too. Not just the executor. My post mentioned 2 issues with it. Issue 1 pertains to this user. When the Door is closed webwalker gives this error, it cannot find a path. As soon as the door gets opened by another player, webwalker suddenly finds the path and then it starts to traverse the path. Let me be clear though: the DOOR/GATE thing is causing the webwalker to wrongly state "Cannot find path at tile[x, y, z] retrying" over and over, and it only stops when the door becomes open. I mentioned issue 2 (errors with traversing) as a side note. Issue 1 (generating path errors) because it can't handle most Doors/Gates. It says "Path not found, retrying" over and over. It breaks out of that infinite loop when the door becomes open, then it finds the path. So I think maybe 50% of my post applies to the user (Issue 1), the other 50% is on-topic and is only related to traversing.
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