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  1. How do you safespot with this script? Couldnt find the option, when I click f6, it uses the f6 on my laptop which just mutes my sound.
  2. any ETA, on when black jacking will be supported? also banking via noted food, to get more food in polly while black jacking. Thank you!
  3. So is black jacking supported or still in testing? Doesent seem to be working when I try thieving on unbearded bandits edit: Seems like you manually have to trap them for the script to start. Also sometimes it would accidently attack the bearded bandit instead of knocking it out. Should be a feature where it goes up the ladder and down if it misclicks "Attack" instead of knock out again to lose aggro from bandit. Otherwise NPC attacks you while you keep trying to knock it out and it doesent work, looks very bot-eqsue.
  4. Happening to me too on every script I run basically. Think its the update.
  5. Good script just got it , but at barbarian fishing with the leaping fish it sometimes ( every 10 or so inventories) tries using fish on each other as it doesent drop properly sometimes. It fixes this eventually, but uses the fish on each other, and its pretty sketchy and looks like a bot failing. Also any way you can support 3 tick fishing at barbarian outpost? It almost doubles the xp per hour
  6. Hi just got the script, is there any support for those with 70+ agility for blue dragons?
  7. @Apaec could you please explain the setting on how high alching works? I am trying to high alch tuna while doing the cannifis course, but it simply says I dont have the runes to cast high alch. I am wearing a fire staff and have 10k natures in my inventory. EDIT: FIXED, i am dumb for not putting Raw Tuna. Great script by the way!
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