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Everything posted by dogetrix

  1. legit you are going to block out the username in the chat and then in the middle of the stream a random event will pop up "HEY MISTER XXX_USERNAME_XXX" and RIP your customer
  2. Get feedback while I'm waiting for the git request to go through lol.
  3. Thanks for the info! For the 4 people I will be working on, I would appreciate it if you could pay 1.5m (about $1) after service so you can give me that positive feedback. Of course, I didn't specify that originally, so if you do not want to pay, that is fine too.
  4. please pm me with a video example of what you want to do, I don't have the reqs for any of these (starting a new main atm), and most of the time everyone wants things done slightly differently. Would be best to include multiple cycles of the activity you're doing. If it's not too complicated, a few minutes of legit play should be good. I will be doing these for now + one that someone PM'd me with, no more requests for now. Can you please link me where it says this? Might have to change to "private scripts for 1m each" lol.
  5. Title says it all. You will be the only person who gets the jar file. Please write a description of what you want to do. If it's complicated or I don't have the reqs, please send a video to me. If it's too complicated, I might reject the offer. You'll get a GUI and some basic paint. Sample of work is here. I will maintain scripts in case of minor changes or bugs, but there are no guarantees. If you like what I make for you, I would appreciate it if you could pay at least 2m after service so you can give me that positive feedback. Paid orders will be prioritized over non-paid ones. PM me a video of what you want to do, and I'll try to work on it. Things will go faster if I have the reqs for them, otherwise, you might have to continually keep in touch with me.
  6. This is what happens when you don't check woodcutting xp
  7. MIT wants to know your location
  8. Doesn't it have to be decrypted for the osbot client to actually type the password in? It can't just put the encrypted password in the password field, right?
  9. Pretty sure there's a way (otherwise osbot would not be able to log in through the client), but I don't know it.
  10. Thanks for taking the time to look over it! What I meant in the comment was that "antiban" as in moving camera, check skills, etc. is basically worthless, but people like to see it (including me), and there's no harm done from doing it. I know the difference between antipattern and antiban, and there's no antipattern right now, but there will be in the future.
  11. forgot to say that banking support will be added in the near future.
  12. Powerfish anywhere. Even at barbarian village, which the top 2 aio fishers can't do for some reason. Incredibly stable. Just put the action name in and you're good to go. I gladly accept any criticism of the code. (I did use a couple lambdas so decompilers might make it look messy.) osb.jar Sources: GUI: Script:
  13. which obfuscator did you use
  14. "hacking forum" LOL botting in a game is far far far away from a hacking forum
  15. yeah cause you need to click the new images if they contain cars
  16. You can create the cowFilter's filter once and cache it so that you don't need to create a new object every time you call the cowFilter method. Saves a tiny amount of resources (negligible maybe), but it's a much better practice. For these auxiliary methods, like attackCow, instead of returning true, return the last method you attempted, for example return cow.interact("Attack"); instead of your current return true. In addition, calling interact turns the camera for you, so you can get rid of those "not isVisible then turn camera" checks.
  17. - Banking logic is still flawed. The if statement is 100% useless because you won't have opened the bank (the method returned false), so your bot will be sleeping for nothing. Just do something like if (getBank().open()) {do stuff} - indentation in the method onStart
  18. or not use discord, because it's garbage and the discord staff team itself is garbage
  19. Congrats, you have a sample size N = 1. Ok, it becomes a tiny bit more credible. What would really set it is repeating it for ten more times. I'm actually pretty interested in the results.
  20. @meganide97 The bank will still open because of the statement in the if. in the if statement you have !getBank().open(). The open() method tries to open the bank and returns true or false. This means that the bot will try to open the bank while your code is in the if statement. If the bank opens successfully, it will return true and you won't go to that part of your code again. Therefore calling getBank().open() again inside of the if statement is basically pointless
  21. Not bad for 2 days of study. Here are some specifics: you can get rid of the second call to getBank().open(), because you already called it once in the if statement, it is redundant get rid of the inventory.isFull() in the same if statement as above, because you already checked it once, so checking it a second time is redundant the conditionalSleeps that you are using can be broken, the timeout is longer than the sleep delay check (the constructor is ConditionalSleep(int timeout, int sleepTime)) the indentation at the end is confusing, you should probably clean that up (banking has a lot of issues in general) you called ore.isVisible() before nullchecking ore, so it could throw a null pointer exception probably some more that I missed
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