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Everything posted by godshusen
I did not see :((, would be awesome to know
Can I have a trial? I need 91 rc for diary, so I must have a rc script. it would be lovely to test before purchasing
Just sent you a direct message with the settings im using
Just finished my trial and already bought it, the script does a really nice job! It's not like a real person playing, we can see that in the points at the end of the game that never surpasses 700(with my settings, so maybe I configured it wrong). But it's amazing cause it always gets at least 500 points. I have one suggestion only, there's a option in the configuration that says to burn everything when the minigame is ending, but for me(Using mirror mode) it doens't always burn stuff in the end, it just go for chopping more tree or starts fletching, sometimes the timer is at 5-10% and the script starts fletching a full inv of logs. Besides that, the script is amazing, it should get people to 99 fm if you dont abuse in the time that you spend on it.
Amazing updates! Without the pre-walking, people legit mining would instantly know that it was a bot, so more chances of getting banned. Now it looks amazing, gonna get to the 99 mining grind again!
Thank you! It works fine for me on other places, so im happy with it haha. Gonna test the Sandcrabs!
Hi, did you add the combining dark totems option? Just waiting for that to buy the script ?
You seem to make very nice scripts, bought your APA cooker cause after trial I really liked it! Just 1 suggestion for cooking in hosidius, when cooking in hosidius kitchen, the script always clicks to the oven and the bank using the minimap, that's kinda bot like because you can see both the oven and the bank on your screen, so if you're a legit player training, you would just click on the oven or the bank, no need for using the minimap. But when it cooks on other places, it looks like a legit player, that's why I bought it! Also, I would love to test this Sandcrabs script, seems on the comments that people is liking it!
I want 99 fm, and that pet! Could I have a trial to see how it works?
Can I have a trial on this? Want to see how it works before using on main
Waiting for the release for new users, definitively going to buy! By the way, will it work on mirror mode? I feel safer using it.
Actually, there wasnt a bug, i just didnt knew i had to do a quest for cooking karabwans, the script is awesome, I'm enjoying it alot!
Hey, there's a bug in cooking kararambwan in hosidius kitchen, it clicks the karambwan, clicks the oven but then just clicks the karambwan again and keep repeating the process.
Can I have a trial of this script? Actually planning on getting 90+ thieving on main, so seeing how it works would be nice before buying.
Im testing the perfect fighter script and I have a few suggestions for it before I buy(Because I would use it on my main, and i think a lot of other people would too). These would make the script much safer to use. (But if someone is reading this and doesnt plan to use it on main, the script is awesome) 1- random 1 to 3 seconds after every kill before attacking the next monster; 2-"alert the player" after certain drop (people sometimes like to shout in the cc chats after they receive a nice drop); 3-random 1 to "some number" condition of stats boost duration for using pots again(always using on the same stats decrease is very bot like); 4-add the new updated items to the loot lists(you're problably already working on this haha); 5-add an fill herb sack option; 6-after clicking on the monster to attack, add a chance(like 1/3) of moving the mouse to a random close position of the monster, the way it is now it always clicks the monster and dont move the mouse until it clicks on another monster; 7-combine dark totem pieces(people dont kill more monsters until the pieces are combined, so they can receive more pieces); 8-random(like 1/20) chance of missing the first click to attack the monster, followed by a correct click on the monster immediately after the missed click, that's something very human like) I know these are a lot of suggestions, but i think they would help a lot in safety and also more people would like to buy the script after trying it for the 24h, cause the first impression of the script counts a lot. Like the motherload one you made, i tested it and I really liked, that's why i bought.
I would like to try this perfect thiev!
I just bought your perfect motherload, cause after the trial I liked the way it works (Maybe just improve the places where it uses the dragon pickaxe spec, cause i've seen it using the spec on bank). I want to see how this perfect fighter works after you update it to combine the dark totems, if works well, definitively going to buy too.
does it combine dark totem pieces in kourend?
Going for 99 mining, can I get a trial to test it? might buy if satisfyied with it