Not sure what this argument section is but i figured it can somehow help me bypass start up menus for when scripts start. I cannot find out how to use this. Trying to start khal tut island and have it start without me clicking start
no nothing special bot works flawlessly tbh. Just cant believe banned like that. the other bot I use uses runelite. when i switched to normal browser proably really saw i was bottin lmao
Broken making house teleports. Sometimes it works but eventually it will get stuck in a random room just clicking random tiles. The paint says its making teleport to houses but just clicking random.
Im loving the script it collects all the blocks but when i try to make salve graveyard teleport it opens the alter thing but doesnt click on the tabs it exits out then goes back in then exits out ect
thats bullshit, i had a few people help me i think my problem is osbot. i have used dream bot no bans but osbot bans and the community is shit might as well switch. Later Osbot and the shitty community