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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Sailin

  1. Sailin


    @Tom can i test please?
  2. @Czar Minnow fish supported?
  3. Mainly bothered about the fishing and outfit haha, i have a pure so don't need that side ? Got discord?
  4. Any pics? got outfit ?and price dude looking for little higher man sorry
  5. Looking to buy a high fishing or woodcut account, which I can just stand in fishing guild or woodcut guild and afk while training alt.
  6. Sailin


    Looking to find out the best NMZ set up for mains to afk the most, there are so many available but which have people had the most success with? Thanks
  7. Willing to pay up to 3mil an hour!
  8. Looking for ZMI rune essence runners. I am willing to pay 2m per hour of running. Requirements Large or Giant Rune Essence Pouch Ourania Altar / ZMI Teleport Method You trade me 23 pure essence. I craft the rune essence. You trade me another 23 pure essence in exchange for 3 uncharged glory amulets. You bank, withdraw x23 twice (fill up pouch and such) and repeat making you 2m+ GP/hr. Payment 3 Uncharged Amulet of Glory each run, this generates you around 2mil+
  9. @montie Did it, but thanks guys.
  10. Looking for someone to do me more construction. price me for either; 60-74 Construction or 60-83 construction. need doing today
  11. Yeah, gotta head out to work on my day off, emergency so... either want 52 or 74.
  12. Looking for someone to complete some construction for me, but be trusted and want it done today. Currently training from 1, but it'll probably be around 20-52 I want.
  13. Yeah tried separate tab and first tab top. Works fine with making knives, tried doing plates and just doesn't like it.
  14. @Chris getting this when trying to make iron platebodies, did 1 inv then just spams this logger in bank when got over 3k bars available. https://gyazo.com/629a95ff7c9175d50578f9e1c5c78d54
  15. Sailin

    Rogue outfit

    have discord?
  16. Sailin

    Rogue outfit

    Looking for rogue outfit price 64 agility 60 thieving
  17. Let me know when got some and how much you want.
  18. I don't mind waiting just limited to like 20k air 13k mind per account
  19. Looking to buy runes; Mind Runes - 700,000 Air runes - 1.4Million
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