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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Sailin

  1. Soooooo jealous!!! Wish i was going, line up is unreal.
  2. ok man, thanks for the help
  3. Thanks man. you think raising magic and strength would increase price?
  4. Still looking for accurate price check...
  5. Obviously both little off if can’t agree on it haha
  6. Big difference between your figures haha
  7. Looking for a price check on this starter pure Combat 65 mith gloves
  8. Bought off gearing instead, thanks though.
  9. I got a couple 60/60/60 accounts can let go cheap or some combat/skill acc
  10. @B3NJ because you're taking all my money?
  11. Sounds a good idea to be honest, might look at testing this weekend.
  12. Looks quite a smart idea, have you got any proggies?
  13. Sailin

    f2p pure..

    Would be a nice account, depending value I might be interested
  14. Didn’t work why tried adding discord. Add me- Sailin#4418
  15. Already have you nub, messaged.
  16. It would be better gp? I think 99 thieving generates 15mil at knights, how much black jacking?
  17. Hey, Looking for someone to power some knights for me, I need gold on my ironman and need quick xp, if you can play properly during today then let me know. Has rogue out and ardy cape. 61 thieving.
  18. @Chuckle mine so far gonna be doing a lot more. https://gyazo.com/7cb20095e75f163bb92d6df4f4063daa Gif ^^^^^ Added on skype
  19. Nice, I might join you but with my skybet one, hit me up on skype/discord if fancy sorting some together (I bet a lot haha)
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