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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. I could do it. Just a matter of whether I'd want to or not. I'm a pessimist. I'd keep thinking that one rail will break or something like that. I don't think anything in the world would be able to get me to do that.
  2. I hear them a lot. Whether it's good or bad, I cannot say. I just know I hear that name a lot. Never personally tried it, though. Not really into gambling.
  3. The other guides are based off the GE and others are based off the info they receive on their site which isn't very accurate. They just don't update as thoroughly. GE is the best thing you'll get to the real price of an item. Only exception is the street value, which I don't think too many sites have listed.
  4. Yeah, I know, right? Feel like quitting rs for a bit and stuff because of that. -.- Took me like a week to get all those marks and I lost it within a few minutes.
  5. Do you not watch spongebob? omg http://i.imgur.com/FY0Rz5V.gifv
  6. Just died today and lost graceful outfit so I'm pretty pissed at the moment.
  7. RoomScape


    Reminds me of
  8. Just because it's limited doesn't mean it's level 3. A level 15 can be limited with trade. Does OP mean the trade limit or what? Too vague... With trade limit, it doesn't matter what you do, you can't trade anything off the account with a trade limit.
  9. Why wouldn't you be able to? And why would you drop trade anything? Just walk up to that account and trade it...
  10. Do you not want gift cards?

    1. RoomScape


      You don't get on Skype so I'm guessing that you don't.

    2. BotRS123


      I was either yesterday or the day before. I even messaged you, but you weren't around :(

    3. RoomScape


      lol, let me know next time you're on.

  11. I had one, but it ran away. Currently looking for a new one but they're not all that easy to get. Until I get one, I'll spend my house here looking for one.
  12. Legion of Anti-Botters. We shall fight all the bots and ban them from the game to have a fairer game. I can see this getting a lot of hate but yolo.
  13. Yes, they're... Awesome. *twitch twitch*
  14. I suppose they do things in a timely manner...
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