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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Oh so this is all @Alek's fault? rip. Wish you weren't TWC See what I did there?
  2. @Maldesto and @Dex probably designed that ugly little shit that is now called the chatbox. The old one looked so much better. Rip the good old days. tl;dr - The new chatboox looks ugly and I blame @Maldesto and @Dex.
  3. Aw man, couldn't even see what you wrote. :P
  4. A number of people have reported this happened to them in the past. I think it's due to Jagex determining that the activities on your account were too severe to ever warrant an unban and so they deleted the account altogether. But I have been seeing people state that their account just no longer exists, which is obviously totally different than being banned, as with being banned you actually have something to log in to which will state that you're banned. It's not banned, it's deleted. There's a noticeable difference.
  5. I definitely think @Maldesto he's a shady one he is. Always lurking the forums and only pops up when there's an emergency or problem - anyone ever notice that? No where to be seen then pops up saying watch out for so and so. Hes the real mastermind behind the scenes. Watch out for him. In other news, inb4ban rip
  6. I'm personably not a fan of that suggestion. I couldn't care less what happens to banned users but I can't see how that will solve anything.
  7. Right now. Live:roomscape
  8. Just buy from me and don't worry about it. Why is that an issue?
  9. But what's the point in switching emails like that. I don't know, but never knew that.
  10. Tesla is in America so how would he have a .co.uk email?
  11. Pretty pointless. Also, you realize he just scammed a couple of people and you post a thread of him talking shit. Not the smartest move.
  12. I'm not saying not to warn people. In his post he said he's not accusing the OP but he is indirectly by making that post. That's my whole point in that post.

  13. And by you posting that you're indreictly accusing him of doing so. Whether you admit to it or not you are. You only posted that because he has no rep. Whether your intentions are right or wrong, you accused him or doing it when you made that post and anyone reading this thread will take it that way also. How would you like it if I went on to every one of your threads and told people to watch out because you can scam them and name all the possible ways of the potential scam? Then I play stupid and say i'm not accusing you of scamming but just letting everyone know that you can possibly scam them in the way I mentioned. It's just not necessary.
  14. You have one huge ass signature. Oh god.

  15. You accused him of doing this the minute you posted this on his thread. Whether you accuse someone directly or indirectly, you're still accusing them regardless. Not trying to defend OP since I don't know him from anywhere, just don't like reading bs like that.
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