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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. So, wait. Still banned? Wtf lol.
  2. How do you get that from my avatar? o.o
  3. I can already tell you're one of those bad, annoying trolls.
  4. I'll take that as a compliment. Advertising one self is the best type of advertisement.
  5. Never seen a girl so has an avatar to fap to. Subscribed to hentai kappa
  6. Damn, poll is public so I can't say 150+.
  7. I'm bored so I'm making this a new game.
  8. Aye, this guy is completely neutral. Why be racist and hate white people when you can hate the entirety of humanity?
  9. Well, he was kind of forced to do that. People were always in the chat box beforehand and didn't post as much due to that. If he didn't make a new one then people would go to discord and wouldn't be online on the forums. I don't know about the behind the scenes stuff but it was pretty nice from my point of view.
  10. I can't use it in my USA account balance.
  11. It would be easier to believe if you used proper grammar. ;) Also, maybe you aren't a kid but I'm sure others are. Also, there's really no need for the use of those words.
  12. I'm so done, lol. Rip @Chuckle's mule account.
  13. Why was that removed? I thought that was a pretty nice feature.
  14. Not reading the entire thread. But when the OO changes the email, he's scamming you regardless of what happens so you should file a scam report.
  15. First off, you have sight problems if that looks fine to you. Secondly: >curses >Says we need to get rid of censor
  16. Got damn @Zach! Yeah, it works but it's just an eyesore, lol. You're the master designer, you should remake the chatbox. :p Edit: Just noticed what you did @Dex. That's called powerabuse. inb4ban4powerabuse
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