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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Oh? I just say that based on observation so I don’t know. I know, this is how most bots look like.
  2. Oh, definitely. By far the most fun and entertaining.
  3. Man I don't get this. The bans are definitely not as severe as they used to be. I remember a little while back bots were just dead and if you botted you were banned basically that same day. Guess bots are better or Jagex was losing too much revenue to keep it up.
  4. Talking with you two at the moment.
  5. lmfao this is so obvious hahahahah How are you going to have everything 1 then one stat so high? It's crazy.
  6. She better be a real beauty for over 9k. I spent 2k on mine, though she wasn't anything special.. I need to look for a new one soon.
  7. Is this regarding the account recovery?
  8. Yeah, I know. He probably didn't know and just threw it in here I guess.
  9. Yes, but this is spam and everything goes in spam.
  10. You need to use a MM and stop getting scammed is what you need.
  11. Probably. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case to be honest.
  12. I never heard of that saying. I heard of the one that ends with ‘try, try again.’
  13. Might have better luck on the RS forums.
  14. Never thought about that. Thanks. Yes. stupid auto correct. I spent all my money on this site to look cool but everyone hates me so I can't afford a bond.
  15. I think that’s a bit long. You can hold the space button to shorten the time instead of clicking now.
  16. There’s a separate section for market and a subsection for accounts. Most things that you can post on this site has a section and subsection for specificity. If you can’t find it then the thread probably goes in spam. Just look around the forums for a few minutes to know the different sections.
  17. I'm sure that you tried to post this in Market > Accounts (at least, I hope you tried and aren't that daft) and realized you couldn't post so then you came here... Seriously?
  18. I like the idea of police paperwork for every shooting. I’m not sure how it works here but it sounds like a pain to shoot your gun as a cop.
  19. Yeah, there should be certain people who shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun. But considering someone to have mental issues is another problem as there’s scientifically - as far as I know - no basis for mental health. So technically, the government can label someone as one with mental issues and they’ll be banned from being able to own a gun. Other than that I don’t have a problem. It should be strict and certain felons definitely shouldn’t be able to own one.
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