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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Change the background to osbot logo. Preferably free? it's something rather small. If not, let me know of your price. I've uploaded the picture file, just in case you may want to use that.
  2. RoomScape


    That's so bad that it even has the pokemon's name still in it...
  3. He convinced me to have a drink... Then two... Then there and before I knew it I was out. I later woke up naked next to him in bed. He later claims there were girls in the bed... But they left...
  4. RoomScape


    Is that a script from the SDN?Also, you could've downloaded something prior to osbot and just got hacked now.
  5. RoomScape


    Do you possibly use any other bot or download anything recently? What was the last script you used?
  6. RoomScape


    Wtf... But I just saw...
  7. That's what you said about
  8. When tf did you turn pink?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Smart


      Red will never happen I assume, a green super moderator would be nice.

    3. RoomScape


      And here I was expecting a 'REAL MEN WEAR PINK' response, lol.

    4. Smart
  9. Another avatar change, ffs.

  10. I don't think it counts if you make the thread about yourself...
  11. @Staff: I can make a thread and update it periodically so that you guys won't have to worry about it.
  12. You must be blind, illiterate or both.
  13. Of course it's interesting, I posted it.
  14. Your avatar says 'Undecided88' while your display name says 'Undecided'...

    1. RoomScape


      Reported for impostoring.

    2. Undecided


      l0l nub....yeh my name was undecided88 and wolf-pack closed coz nub cinn appd for mod XD

    3. RoomScape


      And got CBA.

      I think it's because he's black.

  15. Yeah, I'm kind of disappointed that you aren't.
  16. Someone said you got demoted in chat.
  17. I wasn't fighting...I was just telling him he spelt it wrong and instead of saying 'thanks' or fixing it he called me stupid. ._. And here I thought you got demoted already. I was like, shiiiiiiit
  18. You mean to tell me you never typed using your thumps? Or you don't grip your mouse with your thumbs? Or you don't get bored and use your thumb and push it up your woohoo?
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