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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. You can buy a voucher from someone with gp.
  2. Should've made a new post or PM'd me so I'd get a notification. :pCan you put the third logo thing behind the name?
  3. Claiming my post count. Oh, wait...
  4. LOOOL I think it depends in the context and situation more than being friends with mods. If I'm talking with a friend and he calls me stupid and I call him a fag, we're obviously joking and neither one of us are taking it seriously. If someone posts something I don't like and I tell him, "shut the fuck up, faggot", that's a totally different context from joking with a friend and should warrant a ban. The manner in which it's said should determine the punishment. If you're joking with a friend, it should be ok so long as you keep it under control. If you're talking to some random person and suddenly curse at them, that's another thing all together. An opinion is good. Everyone has their own and it's a symbol of your own free will and independence and how you think. You can't really say ones opinion is correct while another is wrong since it's what you think... But some things just need to be kept to yourself. Just because you have an opinion about something doesn't necessarily mean you should go blurt it out, especially when it can be seen as offensive and when it's directed towards a specific person.
  5. Good guy Maldesto, muting spammers and stuff. Is there an option to add report to mobile? I can't be asked to go full version just to report. Haha, that'd only make it worse. xD I don't think there should be a fb limit just implement my suggestion about fighting scammers. ;)
  6. http://osbot.org/forum/user/74560-cowcowcowcow/ Gogogo
  7. Yeah, make it like 5-10 minutes.
  8. That limitation shouldn't be set.
  9. No need for a dislike button. If you don't like a post just leave it be. This'll just start arguments.
  10. I'll let it slide this time, but don't let if happen again.
  11. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/37748-
  12. We sort of have the chat box, but it doesn't save logs - as far as I know - and everything gets deleted once you leave the chat or change pages.
  13. We just need to find something more secure than Skype. My Skype was hacked because the guy said he's me and forgot pass and e mail so Skype changed my e mail and he recovered pass. I went to get my e mail back and they said the real owner just did it and I must be a fake so they don't want to help me. I had to talk to 5 different people before someone have me my Skype back. Even after then, I asked if they could make it so my account can't be recovered and they completely ignored that question and didn't reply to that (even though I asked on a few different occasions) while replying to anything else that didn't pertain to that... Skype is just retarded. I much rather prefer msn, but I don't think that's around anymore and people don't use it as much.
  14. I would think about getting sponsor if it were perm.
  15. Yeah, I was thinking it may be pointless as well. Why not have something on your profile saying: @RoomScape has donated 'x' thus far. Or something like that? And 100+ or 50+ give you actual ranks?
  16. Then the PM wouldn't be 100% required...You should just change it to clarify that if you get scammed by a 'hacked' it's your fault for not verifying that it's the actual person. On the contrary, it's the persons fault that their Skype got hacked since they didn't secure it well enough. I know people who've never been hacked before so it is a measure of how well you secure your account. Just so it's clear, I've been hacked about 3 times in the past and I've had to refund money that I didn't have. Although I would've appreciated it if the person had tried to PM me to verify if it were me or not, it was still my fault one way or another that lead to me being hacked - making public too much info, using same passwords on accounts I sold, getting rat'd from downloads...
  17. I would say that should be more or a profile thing rather than a pip.
  18. But the scammer would be let free since there's been no PM sent.
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