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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Dat avatar...

    1. Wabber


      Lisa Ann bro

    2. RoomScape


      I feel like in on a porn site. xD

  2. I've seen a 'Thank you' post on a random thread of mine.
  3. I like how you got a new pip and you start acting like a mod.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RoomScape


      Yeah, wannabe mod. That nub won't even reply.

    3. Nick


      I'm in physics I'm sry :(

    4. RoomScape


      Physics is fun.

  4. Everywhere. It's implied all over this thread like acne is on teens.
  5. He's banned, yet he still has Sponsor and VIP? Shouldn't they be removed by default if someone's banned?
  6. Even more scams happen by gold sales, as you suggested.
  7. I can say it's not fun to see a shop (service) on every building down every block, but just because I don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't be so. It should be a free and open market. There needs to be competition in the market otherwise the buyer will always get ripped off. Trusted users tend to charge more because people feel safer going to them while new users tend to charge less to get people to come and try them out.
  8. People generally make services to gain fb and trust. How are you going to make people have trust in order to make a service to gain trust? It's hard as it is to gain fb starting off from scratch.
  9. My niga my niga

    1. Korean


      My muthafuckin niga.

    2. RoomScape
  10. That doesn't even make sense... How are you going to expect someone to get fb without access to the market?
  11. That won't stop scammers, it'll just delay them...
  12. Why must you make all those colors. I can't read it on mobe version so if have to get on my laptop. :|
  13. I was looking at (http://osbot.org/forum/topic/24588-) a few minutes ago and was wondering why solstice was darker than the others. :p Good luck, bro. He's still a nub, though. What happened with him?
  14. I think it's just that the site was lagging, but who knows.
  15. That takes more effort... I don't know why people even do that.
  16. I lol'd when I heard that. It's so stupid. xD
  17. Spanish speaking people say: jajajajjaja
  18. Did you try turning your computer off and back on?
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