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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. I'm not going to be paying out of my pocket. I only give back when I make money and I'm currently marketing so I'm making a little profit and might as well just donate some of my profits.
  2. I am, or a $250 rank. May get VIP in a day or two.
  3. I'm leaning towards lifetime sponsor. Just want to see what benefits come with each since that'll be a nice difference.
  4. You can't earn a colored name through hard work, but you can get for through paying for it? Guess this world really does revolve around money. I guess you need paid scripts to earn lots of money before you get a colored name? That may encourage people to keep their scripts updated, though.
  5. The troll may be gone from the forums, but it'll never leave our hearts!
  6. Didn't read through all the posts, but why not have the regular paint you have, then when someone clicks hide, it shows just time played, xp gained and xp/hr along with items gained and items/hr, if applicable. Maybe that'll be easier?
  7. It's ok, neither do I. 4 > 3 > 2?
  8. Which is why I made this thread instead of you.
  9. I hear he has a bunch of warehouses to hold the items.
  10. I won't be surprised if he gets $250 donor soon. >_>
  11. Time is but a small thing to give up to get rid of scammers.
  12. It is. Get rid of the chatbox and it won't be as quiet.
  13. His site charged me directly from my CC. I'll have to call my bank if he doesn't do anything, but I want to make sure this scammer gets banned!
  14. @Amazon scammed me through his site.
  15. Disputed member: @Amazon Thread Link: http://www.amazon.com/ Explanation: Ok, so I ordered something from @Amazon. I went first no problem since I usually buy stuff from him. I recently bought something for $200 (last Sunday) and it still hasn't even been shipped yet. I'm not sure what's going on, but I think he may be out of stock. I only ordered it because I was assured that they're always in stock and that I would get my item by the following weekend (upcoming one, 1-3 days from now). I was planning on getting my item this weekend, but seeing as how it hasn't even been shipped yet, I've concluded that that is highly doubtful. I would like a refund - I tried to ask for a refund with no response. I can't get my item and I'm very displeased so I'll just take my business elsewhere. I'm definitely not satisfied with this and probably won't order from him again. Evidence: *They changed the 'delivery estimate' from this weekend to later in march* -.-
  16. You've never needed it because you don't market. And still, 5 hours is kind of a long time.
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