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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. The entire RS section got merged with it, lol. Guess you don't visit that section much to notice it's not on the main page of the forums anymore.
  2. It looks ugly and complicated with too many clicks just to post a thread.
  3. I was about to laugh, call you gay and tell you how late you were, but now I just feel sorry for you.
  4. Has anyone ever used cyanogen mod before? Is it basically like jailbreaking an iDevice?
  5. It seems too big and has too many sub sections. It gets annoying, especially when its subsections has subsections... I think the RuneScape section should be a separate section as it previously was before.
  6. Next we'll add a gambling section. :p
  7. This normally happens to me when my web is slow or the page didn't fully load. Maybe the same happened to you?
  8. Testing 123 Testing Can you hear me now?
  9. that actually looks like it'd be a cool water gun.
  10. You're acting as if you would be smart enough to develop a plan.
  11. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/47815- I don't feel enough people are able to view it in the Community Discussion - since people are still getting scammed - and it does pertain to the market
  12. Pretty sure it's because of this... http://osbot.org/forum/topic/52915-
  13. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/52915- Shit poster here talking about another shit user posting a shit thread.
  14. It's because he's a freak. This sort of stuff is normal for him. He has to live up to his name, after all.
  15. Reports shouldn't equate to being mod material or worthy.
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