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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. No sponsor or donor update? I see how this is...
  2. My sister has the Gpad and I don't like it as much.
  3. o.o I don't think I broke anything... But I did get this:
  4. Mad? Sorry if I came off as mad. I'm not mad. Just curious as to why.
  5. lol'd. @Timekeeper is in the lead. xD
  6. Did you really say 1 minute instead of 45 seconds? Is that even worth mentioning?
  7. Does @Timekeeper even want mod? Lol.
  8. Companies are shipping out a big chunk of the workforce overseas where they can find labor as low as a dollar a day leaving Americans unemployed searching for a job while still accumulating interest on their student loan debt.
  9. Unfortunately, that's not the case. My I have two brothers both in high school working and getting paid above minimum wage as well as a sister who's in her freshman year of college getting paid above minimum wage. People can look as much as they want or go to college, but that doesn't mean they'll file a life sustaining job.
  10. Those who are 'swamped' in debt can't make a good salary because they're the ones making minimum wage. You are in no way, shape or form obligated or forced to click on my 'shit' threads. Since you feel that I make shit threads, why not just ignore it? Seems like you're the fool since you keep clicking on my shit threads. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
  11. Then stop posting. It's getting annoying now.
  12. Those who are so pro America and go with whatever they say are completely blinded by sheer ignorance. Come on, bring it on.
  13. You bring this but not facepalm..?
  14. looool, that was a good one. :p
  15. I never did get the point in buying custom mouses... What's the point of it?
  16. Make it usable on the forums. I uploaded it to a site and it's not a gif. I've been scammed. -.-
  17. I was hoping you would make an exception for mine. But it's k. 8/10 avatar. 10/10 gay. Would want again.
  18. I tell you not to make it look gay and you just completely ignored me. :| Why, bro, why?
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