@hoodz - Called @Dex out for being racist. RIP
@Dex - Threw away his green to show us his true colors. inb4
@Asuna - Got caught using a bot to 24/7 afk the chatbox and got stripped of her CBA duties.
@BawsZ - Got banned. I called it in my last thread, ggwp. I'm psychic.
@Probemas - Feeling good right now because he got his revenge and beat me in fb.
- After getting scammed by , he came crawling back to us and then stole @Asuna's CBA rank...That thief.
@Divica - Reigning supreme since @BawsZ got banned.
@Lloyd - Went out with @BawsZ in a scam. Sad day.
@Jordan - Changed his name back (previously SSF).
@Purple - Got :mald:'d.
@Cinnamon - Plotted against @BawsZ to get him banned and so he could be in the top 5.
@Th3 - This l33t haxor hacked OSBot and gave himself $500 donor...that cheater didn't even pay for it. -.-
@Mizuki - New shemale of OSBot (so far)...@Animation hasn't been active in a while.
@RoomScape - Openly declared that he's a pirate!
@YinZ - 3/10 scamquit, got caught and put in TWC right after leaving and posting a farewell thread. Give him points for effort, though. 10/10, would watch again.