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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/53221- @hoodz - Called @Dex out for being racist. RIP @Dex - Threw away his green to show us his true colors. inb4 @Asuna - Got caught using a bot to 24/7 afk the chatbox and got stripped of her CBA duties. @BawsZ - Got banned. I called it in my last thread, ggwp. I'm psychic. @Probemas - Feeling good right now because he got his revenge and beat me in fb. - After getting scammed by , he came crawling back to us and then stole @Asuna's CBA rank...That thief. @Divica - Reigning supreme since @BawsZ got banned. @Lloyd - Went out with @BawsZ in a scam. Sad day. @Jordan - Changed his name back (previously SSF). @Purple - Got :mald:'d. @Cinnamon - Plotted against @BawsZ to get him banned and so he could be in the top 5. @Th3 - This l33t haxor hacked OSBot and gave himself $500 donor...that cheater didn't even pay for it. -.- @Mizuki - New shemale of OSBot (so far)...@Animation hasn't been active in a while. @RoomScape - Openly declared that he's a pirate! @YinZ - 3/10 scamquit, got caught and put in TWC right after leaving and posting a farewell thread. Give him points for effort, though. 10/10, would watch again.
  2. Name it Arguments or Intelligent debates!
  3. You have a PiP, though...
  4. Why are you never on skype?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      Then why tf do you even have a skype?

    3. CrisisDesigns


      So I can talk to a customer for GFX.

    4. RoomScape


      Get on skype you nub.

  5. Where'd your green go?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      Wtf, you should steal his red to make up for that. Don't let him get away with it!

    3. Dex


      I will have a serious conversation with him. It'll be red or it'll be green.

    4. RoomScape


      Green? More like blue. :o

  6. You're gay, you know that?

    1. RoomScape


      I bet you kiss girls you fag.

    2. CrisisDesigns


      Just because I fucked a girl ONCE, doesn't make me gay faggot.

    3. RoomScape


      I KNEW IT!!

  7. Oh no..now you've gone and made me cry. Y u do dis
  8. You're acting as if those people would notice this thread... Even if they do notice this thread, I doubt it'll stop them from pm'ing you. Wish I botted so I could pm you about your scripts.
  9. A wild girl appears! She uses introduction! It doesn't seem to be very affective...
  10. Now that's just completely pointless, lmfaooo. You do know you don't get post count in 'Spam', right?
  11. I don't think the emoticons can be gifs, can they?
  12. Then post it in the spam section. This is for serious suggestions and for people who take it seriously. If you don't take it seriously you shouldn't have posted it in here.
  13. If it isn't serious it shouldn't be in this section. Also, there is no post limit. That would suggest you can't post anymore after you make x amount of posts. It has a post delay, which makes you wait x amount of time before being able to post again, which is forum wide. Although I'm not a big fan of it, I don't care so much. But it does get annoying.
  14. Yeah, @OP Is A Faggot.
  15. Look at the new numero uno!

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