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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. RoomScape


    That much extra work..? Either you've never been staff and don't know what you're talking about or they're just lazy...
  2. Some kingdom game I found in the google play store.
  3. Yeah, I know. That should be enforced, but not very seriously. Dome people are just so mad when posting in there that they don't read things thoroughly. Also, the search time restriction could prove annoying when trying to find older disputes.
  4. Ooh, didn't think about using that word. I guess that could work.
  5. Not really active, what's up?

    1. CrisisDesigns


      Is the deposit 5m rs3 or 07?

    2. RoomScape


      I haven't even been active, I don't know how well the service is doing at the moment.

  6. It doesn't really work that way, unfortunately. Unless I'm just missing something. O.o
  7. RoomScape


    I asked form this to be extended in the past and was shot down pretty fast. And there's also a difference. Its not so simple to search "disputes" and have all of the scam reports pop up...
  8. I've never been so offended in my life...
  9. Look at my likes. http://osbot.org/forum/user/30162-roomscape/ No one mess up, pls.
  10. Don't mix the general one with disputes, there should be then general one then another one in the disputes section just for disputes.
  11. how'd you get sponsor?

    1. lolmanden


      Where have you been lol.. Get on skype xd

    2. RoomScape


      Been busy.

  12. RoomScape

    Profile Music.

    Everyone knows they secretly loved hearing that song in my profile. :blush: :love:
  13. Nice, man. I should make an intro on my 3k posts? O.o
  14. RoomScape


    Take care, bro. I kind of feel the same way. xD That and work.
  15. I hope you can at least stay on Skype. @RoomScape - A perv so nice he got named twice. B)
  16. Your fault for going first to someone with less fb than you. I don't really feel sorry for you since it's your fault for going first and not using a MM...
  17. I didn't buy you VIP so you could be someone else's apprentice.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lolmanden


      Nezz Jr is a joke. I'll be changing to my name anytime soon.

    3. RoomScape


      I thought you only have one name change a month?

    4. lolmanden
  18. ooh, lifetime sponsor! :D

  19. I shit posts which give people cancer when they happen to make the mistake of reading it. Unfortunately, these forums are my toilet.
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