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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Yeah, he's pro. 10/10, would get scammed again.
  2. It seems like you only go after shitholes. Good preference.
  3. Inb4scamreport http://osbot.org/forum/topic/57198-
  4. Wrong section, and this is the general section for asking questions: http://osbot.org/forum/forum/160-community-discussion/
  5. People said they want it so I do it. If they don't want it I'll stop, lol.
  6. The market shouldn't be limited like this. If you're scared, just don't sell to them. Not everyone is a scammer and those that aren't will be subjected to these rules that would be implemented purely because of scammers. You shouldn't have a set amount of fb just to use the market..
  7. Why's that? I caught a lot of ban evaders...
  8. This post only further proves my statement to be true...
  9. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/54210- @lolmanden - Did another scamquit after getting his TWC removed. I would be disappointed, but he donated his money to charity, so at least he has that going for him. @Epsilon - Weak minded individual couldn't take the heat of being a CBA. It drove him insane to the point where he had to return his CBA PiP and then he made a run for it. Hopefully he'll come back after he gets his head straight. @Smart - Got tired of the CBA shit and went back to orange. @Dylan - Scamquitted, didn't see that coming. :| @Arctic - Got drunk one night and lost his mod PiP. He's been looking for it ever since to no avail. @The Hero of Time - Is public enemy #1, by far. @Pikachu - Appealed and got rejected so he went back to ban evading. @Laz - Some stuff about the API team which I have no knowledge about. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/57104- @Maldesto - Gave us a list of scripts that have removed their monthly recurring fee, good guy Maldesto. - Got unbanned after a scamquit earlier this year. Will his TWC get removed? #lolmanden @Jenzo - Caught this successful vader browsing through OSBot one day. Sucks for him that I did. #GGWP
  10. How did he even get sponsor? Did he buy it or someone else? O.o
  11. I'm not saying I will, but I'm not saying I'm not. :troll:

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