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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Is there a mod that allows us to individually specify which font we want to set as our default font? And if that works, does that mean only we'll see that font (each person sees their own default font) or is it just that we type in that default font?
  2. Better not be a problem with his name. If there was then shit would get real. Namean
  3. Every girl has an ass, no matter how big or small. Not every girl has boobs. Some are as flat chested as a skinny, underweight tall guy
  4. I'm sorry, is there a problem?And @OP Is A Faggot
  5. Every ban is 9001% accurate and if you're banned you're breaking the rules no matter what you say or do. Even if we are wrong, we're not going to admit it and we'll just keep ignoring you. -Jagex
  6. Damn man. Time to ask for accounts again, lol.
  7. Extend it for two more months, then stop. Extend it for two more months, then stop. Extend it for two more months, then stop.
  8. You have a suck, twisted sense of humor.
  9. WHAT THE ACTUAL ********!!!! I saw this on the new that list and thought that our riot was a success until I saw that spoiler. -.-
  10. Did you ever RWT or goldfarm under that account or IP?
  11. @Maldesto, I know you're reading this. DO YOU HEAR OUR VOICE?! WE DEMAND VETERAN!! RIOT RIOT RIOT RIOT RIOT!!!!!
  12. lmao, ok. I'll have to watch it after I finish One Piece. :p
  13. Homosexuality happened. And non homosexual people see those that are homosexual as 'cool' and mimic their behavior to a point.
  14. It's like mods look at certain threads so it seems like they're doing stuff while in reality they're afk.
  15. He's an Adamantite poster for a reason while you're an Iron poster for a reason. He obviously outranks you, even the forum itself knows that. Please don't disrespect your higher ups. Thanks.
  16. It'd be an awesome show if it weren't for all the fillers and pointless flashbacks that they show you 100x over and over. I know the history of naruto better than I know the actual show because of all the pointless fillers and flashbacks... But the fighting is real nice, so that's why I keep watching. I just hope that one day I'll see some action.
  17. You never had a Naruto avatar before?
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