Is there a mod that allows us to individually specify which font we want to set as our default font?
And if that works, does that mean only we'll see that font (each person sees their own default font) or is it just that we type in that default font?
Every ban is 9001% accurate and if you're banned you're breaking the rules no matter what you say or do. Even if we are wrong, we're not going to admit it and we'll just keep ignoring you. -Jagex
He's an Adamantite poster for a reason while you're an Iron poster for a reason.
He obviously outranks you, even the forum itself knows that.
Please don't disrespect your higher ups. Thanks.
It'd be an awesome show if it weren't for all the fillers and pointless flashbacks that they show you 100x over and over.
I know the history of naruto better than I know the actual show because of all the pointless fillers and flashbacks...
But the fighting is real nice, so that's why I keep watching. I just hope that one day I'll see some action.