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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Yes, against their rules. You need to be on two different world's for it to be ok.
  2. McDonalds did the same thing. To be fair, though, employees of both companies are pretty, uhh...not the brightest.
  3. Exactly. Walmart workers make just enough to protest and nothing else. At least their protests paid off - the companies gave them guides about how to apply for food stamps and how to live on minimum wage... Shit move, but the employees didn't quit and went back to work.
  4. at least I'm a literate one. We get paid more.
  5. Wow, I was about to make a thread asking if it was just me or not, lol.
  6. You nub. Did you not realize that? Lol It should be changed to anyone that has the PiP rather than only the people that have it as their primary.
  7. I always knew you guys were a bunch of .
  8. They own it. You may consider it RWT, but they do whatever they like. I wonder if any JMods make custom accounts with gp on it to sell. O.o
  9. Wonder what the 'big updates' are. O.o
  10. You pay for what you get. I need the good coverage so I'd rather pay more for it. No way in hell I'm going to pay $10 monthly for service and always get disconnected just to save a few bucks on my phone bill.
  11. I use my phone for business so I'd rather not have shitty service and data signal.
  12. How stable is this and is it even legit?
  13. Look at you being lifetime sponsor and shit. :p

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. League Of Smurfs

      League Of Smurfs

      Nothing just school and looking into other business ventures; League is getting shitty :D

    3. RoomScape


      It's all getting shitty.

    4. League Of Smurfs
  14. They do it to brag about it more than anything. I remember when I was in high school that's all kids talked about. I didn't get my first phone until after I graduated when I got it myself, but I still remember that.
  15. You obviously didn't read the OP because he said if you're Dutch and you have a sense of humor, you have to have laughed at the vid. Or did you miss that part?
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