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Everything posted by Fredwin

  1. Can you add Clan Wars -> Salve graveyard teleport and fairy ring teleport please
  2. Fredwin

    Stealth Quester

    Hi, Does this script buy the items in G.E for example nature spirit requires 13 crafting however you can just buy the sickle? So 13 crafting is not required
  3. Hi, Any gold farmers out there can you provide any tips on how you extend non suicide accounts until they hit the ban hammer? I usually follow the best practice for botting however I want to maximise profit and was wondering any usual tips would be great. Do you incorporate account rotation?
  4. Hi, Please can I get a refund. Abyss performance wasnt as well as I hoped
  5. Hi, I have 5+ clients using different proxies each linked to an account. The mirror mode attaches to a random client how can I link it to the right user as default wont let me edit. If an account logs onto the wrong IP it will most likely get locked.
  6. Hi, Does anyone here have an efficiency guide to build Zulrah accounts? Would love to see the steps taken to slow build stats up and make the account "last"
  7. Hi, I can run multiple OS client windows however how can I successfully map the correct user account to the correct proxy os client without using Default.
  8. Hi, What do you guys do with the proxy you're using has a linked banned account? Do you attempt to create a new account and hope it wont get detected or is it best to purchase a new proxy (I feel like this is a waste of money) as most provider only have 1 IP change token
  9. Do account gets flagged when you make them on the same IP then bot the targeted stats and once the account is built transfer it on another IP (proxy). It will most likely get locked but can easily recover but will this increase ban rate or the account being watched
  10. Fredwin


    Does location matter? If I have 5 proxies from 1 provider pointing to the UK will this increase my detection? I am not familiar with networking but I thought I'd ask so that I can change location if it does affect it slightly
  11. Thanks for your advice. Generally speaking I just want the accounts to last as long as possible (I do not intend in playing on them) I was thinking cutting it down to 6 per IP 3/3 Day/night
  12. Hi All, I am looking to avoid chain bans with the use of proxy. Does the below method work as I do not want to bot on an account for more than 15hrs+ normal play time. The same IP: 4 Accounts run during the day 4 accounts run during the night. Overall 8 accounts under 1 IP. Do I bother with this? Will this likely flag each account to have a ridiculous playtime per day
  13. Progress pic. Does this bot stop on update thursdays?
  14. Using certain bots on Mirror mode I can see certain delays/behaviour on the execution of the actions. Does Mirror mode effect execution time of code? From watching the bots on both injection and mirror I can see a clear difference. I am not sure if this is cause of the mode or script itself but I having a feeling it would be the different mode type
  15. I am using Mirror Mode and is it just me or there is a delay on the actions. I can never light/fix the brazer first but when I dont use Mirror mode it works just fine Any thoughts on this great Khaleesi? I have used this script to get 99 FM before so not bashing your script but it's the first time I am using Mirror mode on this script UPDATE: Yep its proven, Did 5 games: Mirror mode: 0/5 Injection Mode: 5/5 I am trying to decrease my ban rate( I know mirror mode isnt proven but it seems logical to offer decrease ban rate due to using game client ) Is it possible you could do some sort of performance upgrade? Finally from watching the bots, injection mode seems to behave more stable compared to mirror mode as when I am in mirror mode the bot runs to a certain area past the boxes then cuts the root. There are other things I can point out but if you can test for yourself you will see. Last note when will healing pyro come out so we can solo the minigame
  16. Hi, Was doing seers rooftop and left it. Came back and it was upstairs inside the bank
  17. Trial Please Im looking for the best Agility bot
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