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  1. I figured, but I've some people have their RWT bans squashed, so had a tiny pinch of hope.
  2. Not sure if this is the correct section. But one of my stakers I rent out was banned for RWT, I haven't touched the account literally in 6+ months, is there anyway I can claim it was hacked/not me to get it unbanned? Thanks in advance.
  3. You know you a leecher don't lie, just buy the script, its cheap.
  4. Interesting, thank you, I'm pay more attention now to feed my curiosity.
  5. Can't tell if this is a troll post or not because you bought VIP. However OP to keep it simple, you're in no harm on the accounts you play legit, ignore any other scenarios or thoughts you might have on the topic.
  6. Update: script functions well on larders, but seems to get stuck literally every hour for some reason so requires some babysitting, been running it for a lil over two hours now, first time it got stuck after an hour, 2nd time it got stuck at about hour and 16 mins, and requires client to be restarted. error pics
  7. I've seen 1 month delays, but that was way back in 2013/14, not sure if they happen these days cause I normally get banned in a few days if it happens.
  8. Jacmob, forever live the GOAT. But +1 to this post
  9. Anyone ever get banned doing construction?
  10. How often does this occur? Don't think I've ever noticed this, especially while pvming, I'm just returning after like 3 years
  11. p.s. Just a thought, cause seems like a lot of people have the same issue, but Eagle, maybe making a video guide might help, give it a random title though so its not noticed on Youtube, and only seen here(use link only mode). Doesn't need to show the bot at all, can do it on a regular rs client. Even though I got mine to work pretty easy on first try.
  12. Bought the script, hoping to get 85 con smoothly, has anyone here used this for 99?
  13. Just to confirm, I MUST delete my bottom floor or the script won't work?
  14. This right here, if its not for staking or flipping. Why spend an hour in game earning on average 1-2m/hour when you can work minimum wage and buy 8m/hour. Saves a lot of time to jump right into PVM/PKing to have fun.
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