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xzythepure last won the day on February 4 2024

xzythepure had the most liked content!

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  1. Hey @Eagle Scripts just bought the script - should I be zooming in as close as I can for mahogany tables with demon butler mode? Any specific angle? cheers
  2. xzythepure

    Fruity NMZ

    Legendary fucking bot. Been running it 24/7 for the past two weeks now, have achieved multiple 99s in strength/range on multiple accounts no ban as of yet, thanks king
  3. xzythepure

    Fruity NMZ

    @Fruity Logger is all of a sudden spamming: "hi1" endlessly, kinda creepy. whats going on?
  4. xzythepure

    Fruity NMZ

    Ended up being able to run this 24/7 no ban after a week! love it
  5. xzythepure

    Fruity NMZ

    Hi @Fruity or anybody here, can anybody recc if I should use 'move cursor outside window' option when nmz botting? I'm just using pray/overloads and nothing else. Cheers!
  6. Hey ya! Can I trial this please Thanks
  7. Ahh yes, I see. It was really only for crude chairs and wooden chairs I believe. From oak onwards, it does use key binds
  8. @Czar Is there any chance I could get a re-trial? I was testing your other scripts didn't get a chance to use this ;o
  9. Hey bro, thanks for your trial! It's great, but I definitely do suggest you add in keyboard # functionality when building things in POH, cause atm its still using the mouse to navigate. I can see that you enable the keyboard when using the Ring of duelling castle wars teleport! I think this would actually work better as anti-ban & more human-like given most ppl would not be manually clicking to build now.
  10. Hey Eagle bro, can I get a trial pls? Thanks!
  11. Hey bro can I try this please? Thanks
  12. Heya! Can I try this please
  13. may I have a trial for this please Czar?
  14. @Czar can I have a trial for this one as well please? Thanks!
  15. Heya! Big fan of your scripts, could I free trial this agility one please? @Czar
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