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barred out

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  1. Just bought script because I liked it a while ago when I used the trial, however, I literally just paid it, doesn't even open GUI. Script is broken. I would either like a refund (if possible) or this to be working soon.
  2. Update, I didn't have the GUI on fullscreen, my fault. Will be running now thank you
  3. Hi. I purchased your script today, and went to start the script and it gets stuck at the interface asking the food. I can post a picture if need be, but it just does not seem to be working. I type in anglerfish and press start and it does nothing
  4. you are right. thanks! love this script
  5. I used this script a while back for my zerker, however I cannot use again for my new pure I just started. Do I purchase the bot again and all the quests will show back up?
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