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Everything posted by Allen

  1. Allen


    What script? Should report the issue to the script developer for the script this happens on as well so that they can apply the npc health > 0 condition(not sure why they wouldn't have in the first place tbh..).
  2. Yes, I have to mute my computer when I get on the chat lol...
  3. The client shouldn't select an NPC that is technically "dead" anyways. It's useful for scripts to have this as well though I suppose.
  4. http://prntscr.com/2s70fu That is a shoutbox, notice the green part above it? That is used for messages, notifications, or links to useful threads. Something like this maybe: http://prntscr.com/2s72lr Although having something other than just text, perhaps a green box like the one in the above screeny?
  5. There should be either a notifications or announcement box right above chatbox for super moderators to put some sort of message either regarding the status of the bot or in general links to useful threads such as http://osbot.org/for...nown-bug-fixes/ or even the link to the Client Error board. Reasoning: It's be useful for the many many users who come to the chat box regarding issues that can be fixed simply by reading the above thread. This update would also allow for super moderators to update the message regarding the status of the bot.
  6. I like both a lot, nice! Second one looks the best.
  7. I've seen it as low as 10k-13k in midday even when the bot's online. So not sure how accurate it would be to estimate the bot count just from that. Plus like Light said, we're already back on :P
  8. Allen


    Thanks, working great for me.
  9. Very nice, I like seeing the progress in this thread, keep it up . This will be an outstanding script.
  10. I typically don't post much but there seems to be a crazy trend of post count requirements around this forum.... maybe I should step it up lol. #March
  11. Very nice idea, Laz! Interested to see the other ideas you guys implement to lower CPU usage. Keep up the good work
  12. Oh ya, those were basically unanswerable unless you were high up in FBLA. But those were just fillers for the game haha ;).
  13. Can't tell if sarcastic or not. Hopefully not, but since it is just basic 2D and its nothing but clicking buttons, you guys may be
  14. What client is there to modify? It's just rendering images to the screen in a decent manner. The only external information I received was FPS calculations. Everything else, images, code, resources, etc.. were created by me. If they weren't I wouldn't have been able to submit it for this competition . Maybe this year I'll create an actual game rather than just Q&A :P I'm eligible to enter the competition again but their topics are just so boring. I mean how creative can you get with a trivia game rofl?
  15. If anyone here is in the US and is in highschool or college you've probably heard of either the FBLA or PBL clubs. Every year there is a national event in which you can enter one of many categories. I entered computer game simulation, with no intentions of winning, especially after seeing 2011's winner. Anyways, I thought maybe some of you could use this to possibly learn something. The game is simple: Actual playing: Correct Answer: (other answers fade away upon choosing any answer, turns red if incorrect, green if correct) Packaging: This is just a basic trivia/question-answer game. Questions are stored in a tab delimited file(required by guidelines). Using hints will remove an incorrect answer. Fonts were not created by me, neither was the sound. All images were made with GIMP, layers provided. Enjoy, Download: http://kinztech.com/downloads/FBLA%20Trivia.zip GitHub: https://github.com/kinztechcom/FBLA If link is down(shouldn't ever be), pm me. I'm looking for feedback on this so if you find something incorrect or whatever, post it on this thread so I can know!
  16. It's nice to see how far OSBot has come, great job guys.
  17. Allen

    BETA v1.7.32

    I've just started playing RS07 again, I'm glad to see you guys update this bot so frequently ;)
  18. Goodluck ;) Seems like you've already got a decent bit done.
  19. Allen

    BETA v1.2.2

    Thanks Laz ;)
  20. Allen

    This or That

    Football North Korea or US
  21. Thanks for the update I should be online during release.
  22. Allen


    The top left looks cluttered but who I am to talk, it is way better than anything I could make. Nice job.
  23. Allen


    I support the soft delete, I agree with Kyle concerning the full delete.
  24. Allen

    Whats Your?

    I like the strategy games such as tower defense, BTD's, etc..
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