Token, my dude.
As a small review of your script overall, as i'm 100k off 99 range now, so will probably not be using it as much anymore.
I've basically suicide botted 10+ hours a day for 2 weeks, some issues i've noticed.
The checking the blowpipe issue, not only does it sometimes do it after breaks, but also sometimes just between dreams and even after the 6 hour auto logout.
Sometimes it randomly just gives up keeping your hp at 1, and eventually just dies.
It's a little slow on the absorbs, it usually loses around 100-200 absorb points before even starting to kill anything - usually due to absorbing to full, then rockcaking, but it all seems quite slow.
The way it gets the potions out looks v botty, runs over to the chest, buys them, runs gets them out the barrel, runs back to chest for absorbs, barrel etc.
These are all only small issues though, anyone who's reading, i've managed a solid 80-95k xp an hour for the last 2 weeks, going from 80 to 99 range in that time using a blow pipe.
Nice bot, worth the money boys.