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Posts posted by NeonAsura

  1. Hey @Apaec,


    For Crab Claw Isle 1/2. Can you make the reset closer? As currently the script makes it run to the opposite side, just makes it look sus.


    I've posted a pic of the closest reset that I've done and seen others do.


    Let me know what you think and if not, as to why (Just to feed my curiosity) 


    Love the script though!.



  2. 28 minutes ago, Project said:

    Hmmm, not sure what you mean. No one has reported that to me. Can you elaborate a little for me so I can see if I can find out what that issue is! Thanks! <3

    Situation: Losing traps.
    Location/Hunting: Swamp Lizards.

    Short Story: I brought 4 traps with me to swamp lizard. I checked back on it and noticed that it had lost 3 of those traps and was now just using 1 trap. Went back to the bank at Canifis, got 5-6 sets of net traps. Come back an hour later and had lost 3 more.

    I'll be moving onto Desert Lizards, so I'll update you if that happens again.

    But I do have to say, I love this script.

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  3. 1 hour ago, d0nk3yk0ng12 said:

    So ive heard it's safer to bot for long periods of time on the weekends, how far does this actually go? and between what times generally? Thanks in advance

    Probably. Though 1 of my "main" accounts were banned doing this,but that's just rng/luck.

  4. 2 hours ago, Georgeee said:

    Im having some script issues sometimes, when the crabs become unaggro and runs to that fountain. Its alway like 1-2 tiles away from where it needs to go, so that when the bot runs back they're still unagrro.  When it does this, it makes the bot run out of energy because it repeats the same thing until i fix it manually or turn the bot off and making them aggro again. Pretty sure that how I got banned on 5 accounts, different days. My only issue, other than that, the bots is good.

    I was having the same issue as you. Don't use the script while using Mirror Mode (Advised by Apa). Ever since then, I've had no issues wit this.

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