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Everything posted by curtiscrow

  1. got trial from fruity barrows then got trial from perfect barrows. i am definitely voting with fruity. script is smoother and more user friendly to setup. ive tried fruity's zulrah script for a month. i got over zealous and got banned but the script was amazing. ty @ fruity for being awesome. will be buying the barrows script tomarrow.
  2. trial please? getting this or fruity barrows but im not sure which yet
  3. can i have a trial please?
  4. awesome script! more iron man quests please. Gathering the items needed isnt an issue.
  5. can i help test the corp bot? id love to see how the solo option works or even drop the bot at a mass
  6. having trouble with bp/bgs mode. i have bgs and void helm in inv but it doesnt spec. just specs with bp. any advice?
  7. im doing dhcb/ward only ruby drag bolts. just got a skele visage seems like clan wars/pool option there is working best also. (for me)
  8. yea i see your point on the auto loot. a tick box would probly be best also farming skotozio is super good if u have totems built up plus pet
  9. Really happy with this purchase so far! Thanks for the fast updates! Any chance totem pieces and Ancient shards could be added aswell?
  10. just saw the updated brutal blacks options. running it now. its working flawlessly. the burying is very helpful for both xp and prayer points in the catacombs
  11. any eta on adding lava scales to brutals? also when trying rune dragons the bot does well but wont bank and continue? any advice on best options to select for success?
  12. also when doing brutals the bot ignores noted lava scales.
  13. been using brutals feature for a while now. i was wondering if a bury bone option could be added???
  14. how well is the rune drags feature working out for anyone whos tried it? brutals r great atm,
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