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Code Hero

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  1. Selling 10m for $7 BTC. If you are trusted, I will go first. Need fast. Thanks. I don't have Skype. Just send me a pm or post in this thread.
  2. Sorry @Eagle Scripts I have to bail out
  3. Get the best gear that you can. Watch a tutorial on youtube. Learn the rotations. Or just bot it like a normal person.
  4. I need to walk a path that has multiple doors/ gates/ ladders that need to be opened/climbed. I tried webWalk but it sometimes gets stuck. I want to use walkPath but I have no idea how to handle the obstacles. Any help is appreciated.
  5. Yes. And for best results it should be checked when the player is in combat.
  6. Same for me. Changed my perspective on botting completely.
  7. The best anti ban is no anti ban.
  8. Code Hero


    lol everyone asked you about combat training
  9. Code Hero


    Nice! @mk123 Where have you trained combat?
  10. @trapmanjay http://alchmate.com/ http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Profitable_Alchemy_Items Good luck 'bruh'
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