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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Hi, Scripts working well so far. For me. I'm currently using nieve and have had no issues, however it says " Nieve/Steve(IN BETA, About 90% of the tasks work. You must watch the bot when using this master)." What happens when a task doesn't work? Does the bot bug out and break or does it simply turn off? @Juggles
  2. Can I get a trial on this?
  3. I should win because in exchange I'm going to get banned for tagging @Maldesto along with everyone else for this being a rule of this giveaway (thanks for it though)
  4. Can I get a trial for this? Looks good.
  5. Was a good run while it lasted thanks for everything fruity https://gyazo.com/1615cd43eecd5213b601ac1bee08c892
  6. 2 without vip as many as you want with vip
  7. Going to want a lot more than 20 feedback if you're buying zulrah accounts
  8. Awesome! That fix makes this script from a 9/10 to a 10/10!
  9. Hobgoblin mine in 30 wild, you can get over 1k kills per hour with a cannon Just hide behind a rock and let cannon kill all. Either that or goblins near the fishing guild.
  10. Yes, just have it in your inventory when you save inventory.
  11. Before we add new features the custom breaker still doesn't work. https://gyazo.com/81f1cd361d1b10aed38d4772267c1855
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