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Scripter II
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Everything posted by dreameo

  1. Just put a log in the code blocks (each one) and when it gets stuck hovering over the iron ore, you will know where the script is hanging. You might find that it isn't hanging anywhere here and the issue is somewhere else in your code.
  2. Here's a guide on how to make an inventory listener. I don't think the bot offers it in the API, but you will see how simple it can be. The architecture of the following classes can be made better but this is how I've done it on my first try. (There wont be much explanation) Main Class: -Implements Observer -> Interface we made -Exchanges context since we extend MethodProvider -Sets the observer as the Main class InventoryListener Class Note: I think the code would break if you try running it while logged off. An easy fix would be to set the run state once we are logged in. -Implements runnable, this is a seperate thread that runs to check the status of our inventory -Really simple strategy, we check our current items with a cached set of items. If there are any differences, we know that we either gained/lost an item. Whenever those cases occur, we notify our observer. -The thread runs ever 50 ms = checks for new items 20 times per second. Observer - Interface
  3. zz read it as the author saying the first expression is false and second is true.
  4. RIP. The example is wrong. The "bitwise and" is not appropriate in the way that it's used but it still works here.
  5. They are both multi-threading. Explv response is osbot specific and defeats the purpose of the tutorial.
  6. Something is wrong on your end Create a skeleton script and try it out, you will see it works fine.
  7. You made it sound like it's an issue when you said the area is large. Which I said, you don't need to actually define an area.. you just need 2 coordinates. You're doing the same with with a region that you would with an area. Idk why you're hard stuck on regions.
  8. You don't need to define the area. Since it's big just get the bottom left and top right coordinates and that's all you need to check and see if you're within an area.
  9. Just have the class files in the script folder
  10. After all my work.. I see how it is.
  11. Yeah, takes prob very little time to get to 50 fm.
  12. You can look in the 'unofficial' section, tends to be some open source stuff: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/288-unofficial-scripts-applications/ Here's my unfinished (lol) open source:
  13. tldr, there really isn't any.
  14. The general consensus here is that anti-ban is dumb and it shoudn't be implemented. Conventional thinking should always be challenged though. I don't really agree with the consensus but the majority do have a point in the sense that anti-ban has not been effective. It's very possible to create something to counteract the bans. It just not has been done right so far. When it comes down to it, all bot interacts generalize to a certain behavior. Regardless of what strategy you may do to make the bot perform like a human, it still does human things in a bot like way. GL coming up with some idea.
  15. Try writing a file to that resource folder onExit and see. Ima say no though?
  16. I think the main reason why what Alek wrote is valid is because both those string objects point to the same object. Compiler is smart enough to see that "abc" is being used twice and instead of making 2 separate objects, it makes both variables point to one "abc" object. (90%)
  17. Yeah lol was in game and had to rush but what @feggit posted is about right.
  18. tldr: you have to write your code to loot and to bury when you have met those conditions ELSE you fight the goblins
  19. Yeah lol... I never play but whenever I do and i'm at GE, I see someone using the bot. Obvious to me, idk if obvious to others.
  20. lol, I have a much better unfinished FM in the 'other' section for non sdn scripts. Just was lazy to finish but you can pretty much FM anywhere you want.
  21. Are you using a custom script or sdn script?
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