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  1. right when i hit 99 cooking and that was my first 99 ever i took this screenshot luckely enough. Looks familiar right? also what he says are weak refutations its just too much of a coincidence for him to check my profile and then selling an acc which has almost the same exact stats 1 hour later plus he said the acc has has member on it and you guessed it my acc was non member for weeks and now when its hacked it has member all of a sudden i demand from him a full refund of 10m even tho i hand trained that 99 cooking and paid memberships + paid for a firecape service as you can see in my skype list and in the inv of the acc hes selling but this way he doesnt make as much profit out of scamming me and reselling that account and i dont lose much
  2. https://osbot.org/forum/profile/267786-osrsboi/ is where he did the feeback, since all those months passed by i obv trained some of the skills, he has since dispute replied.
  3. hes reselling an acc i bought from him months ago, i tried to login today to find out my pass was incorrect and when i tried to reset it i wouldnt get the email. i skyped him about it and he claimed to help me recover it. Now that i realised this is my acc he isnt responding anymore on skype. i can provide more things if asked for. He viewed my profile 15 hours ago on which i bought the acc and havent been on in months and i havent even spoke with him for months why would he view my profile? and he put this acc with same exact stats etc 14 hours ago for sell, this alone says pretty much
  4. how do i make it auto cast ibans blast?
  5. can i maybe get it again because i was very new to barrows and didnt know how it worked lol
  6. hey you gave me trial but it doesnt show up
  7. trial? i bought your cooker and it got me to 99 cooking so i am very interested in your other scripts
  8. doeihoi

    Fruity NMZ

    Can i get a trial please?
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