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shadesrush last won the day on March 19 2022

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  1. Howdy sir, using the script in stealth mode... around like 10% health on wintertodt the bot will run back to the roots instead of just finishing the inventory a couple times. Also when it banks the bot will bank all then just run into the room and take the knife, tinderbox, and hammer. Those actions just seem very bot like to me. Thanks for your time
  2. shadesrush

    Fruity NMZ

    Hey @Fruity, running the script on a lower level account that has no nmz points and i'm using prayer pots. for some reason about 30 mins into the fight the bot spit out the error "unable to find item within your setupVial must be junk" it then proceeds to exit the dream and bank the empty vials and grabs more pray pots to fit the set up then re-enters dream. And to clarify, no I wasnt out of prayer pots. i still had over half and invent.
  3. Nothing special about it just Dragon harpoon.
  4. yes its equiped. i manually un-equiped it and it did the same thing with the d harp in invent
  5. Hey @Khaleesi, The bot seems to be having troubles seeing the dragon harpoon as a harpoon. it will just keep trying to get a harpoon from the boxes in game and not do anything else, even when the game is saying that I already have one. Currently running mirror mode and have the dragon harpoon special option ticked in the setup.
  6. Hey @Czar, ive ran into a bug with the script. found it last night and thought i just need to reset the osbot client.. then today ran into the same bug. The bot will just hover over the sac and wont collect it. theres no error in the log. [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:34 PM]: -- going for sack -- invis: 0, avail: 137, p-d: 0, locked: true, locked-more: No guided state, [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:34 PM]: We are near the sack, let's grab the ore! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:34 PM]: sack found! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:34 PM]: Let's try search the sack... [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:34 PM]: move there [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:35 PM]: couldn't search sack! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:36 PM]: 2nd interaction couldn't select it wtf? [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:36 PM]: -- going for sack -- invis: 0, avail: 137, p-d: 0, locked: true, locked-more: No guided state, [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:36 PM]: We are near the sack, let's grab the ore! [INFO][Bot #2][05/11 07:08:36 PM]: Increased Index to: 293 Stage: WATERED [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:36 PM]: sack found! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:36 PM]: Let's try search the sack... [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:36 PM]: within bounds to click on Empty sack [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:37 PM]: couldn't search sack! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:38 PM]: 2nd interaction couldn't select it wtf? [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:38 PM]: -- going for sack -- invis: 0, avail: 137, p-d: 0, locked: true, locked-more: No guided state, [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:38 PM]: We are near the sack, let's grab the ore! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:38 PM]: sack found! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:38 PM]: Let's try search the sack... [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:38 PM]: move there [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:39 PM]: couldn't search sack! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:39 PM]: 2nd interaction couldn't select it wtf? [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:40 PM]: -- going for sack -- invis: 0, avail: 137, p-d: 0, locked: true, locked-more: No guided state, [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:40 PM]: We are near the sack, let's grab the ore! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:40 PM]: sack found! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:40 PM]: Let's try search the sack... [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:40 PM]: within bounds to click on Empty sack [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:41 PM]: couldn't search sack! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:41 PM]: 2nd interaction couldn't select it wtf? [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:42 PM]: -- going for sack -- invis: 0, avail: 137, p-d: 0, locked: true, locked-more: No guided state, [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:42 PM]: We are near the sack, let's grab the ore! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:42 PM]: sack found! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:42 PM]: Let's try search the sack... [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:42 PM]: within bounds to click on Empty sack [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:43 PM]: couldn't search sack! [INFO][Bot #2][05/11 07:08:43 PM]: Increased Index to: 295 Stage: WATERED [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:43 PM]: 2nd interaction couldn't select it wtf? [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:44 PM]: -- going for sack -- invis: 0, avail: 137, p-d: 0, locked: true, locked-more: No guided state, [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:44 PM]: We are near the sack, let's grab the ore! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:44 PM]: sack found! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:44 PM]: Let's try search the sack... [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:44 PM]: Attempting final backup interaction via OSBot API.. [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:45 PM]: couldn't search sack! [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:46 PM]: 2nd interaction couldn't select it wtf? [INFO][Bot #3][05/11 07:08:46 PM]: Script Perfect Motherlode has paused!
  7. The bot will get stuck in a loop if you level up. current settings are Blowing molten glass into vials. Stop setting on getting to crafting level 49. The bot will click use on the glassblowing pipe and try and click the continue button on the chat dialogue. just loop over and over. sitting in GE.. don't know if that matters Seems to only happen when you have unlocked something after words. It clears the "Congratulations you've just advanced" but if you have anything unlocked afterwards it gets stuck in that loop
  8. nah just reset the osbot client and it just did its thing.
  9. Hey just wanted to say that i was able to get the script to work just fine when i loaded up today! Thanks for the help.
  10. Sorry I wasn’t very specific lol. I tried it two different times. The first time I tried it with Pike, the second was with trout. And by home button I mean in the bank. If it’s in the first tab, the one with the infinity symbol it will just click that and hover. If I make a new tab with only the fish I was trying to cook it would just click the fish tab, then the first page tab. It would just be caught in a cycle like that. I don’t have any screen shots, I’m sorry. Also I was at the rogues den.
  11. When i started this script a couple of minutes ago, it would just cycle between the top tabs and do nothing else. Mirror Mode [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:13 AM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:13 AM]: Initialising guided state setup... [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:13 AM]: ... done! [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:13 AM]: Initialising modules... [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:13 AM]: Item Definitions loaded: 26916 [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:13 AM]: Definitions loaded: 26916 [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:13 AM]: 20 modules loaded [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:13 AM]: "eq_loaded" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:13 AM]: ... done! [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:14 AM]: Yay! [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:16 AM]: 2 actionpoints ready [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:16 AM]: "script" changed to "herblore" [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:19 AM]: BreakManager: We will bot for 49 minute(s) and break for 18 minute(s) [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: 2: Parsing each node... [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: "ab_move_mouse_outside" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: 2: Parsing each node... [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: "ss_amulet_of_chemistry" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: 2: Parsing each node... [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: "ss_fast_clean" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: Tab name [Grinding] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: 1: Parsing each node... tab: Grinding, command: Item to grind ss_grind_product, javax.swing.JComboBox[,206,172,172x21,layout=org.pushingpixels.substance.internal.ui.SubstanceComboBoxUI$SubstanceComboBoxLayoutManager,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource$EmptyBorderUIResource@94c2c05,flags=16777536,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,isEditable=false,lightWeightPopupEnabled=false,maximumRowCount=8,selectedItemReminder=Unicorn horn] size: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: "ss_grind_product" changed to "Unicorn_horn" [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: trying command [ss_amulet_of_chemistry] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: trying command [ss_fast_clean] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: trying command [ab_move_mouse_outside] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: trying command [ss_grind_product] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:23 AM]: "setup_ready" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:25 AM]: Let's try withdraw-all [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:25 AM]: Our first option is: Withdraw-1 [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:28 AM]: Failed to withdraw item [Unicorn horn] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:28 AM]: Let's try withdraw-all [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:28 AM]: Our first option is: Withdraw-1 [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:30 AM]: Failed to withdraw item [Pestle and mortar] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:30 AM]: Let's try withdraw-all [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:30 AM]: Our first option is: Withdraw-1 [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:33 AM]: Failed to withdraw item [Unicorn horn] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:33 AM]: Let's try withdraw-all [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:33 AM]: Our first option is: Withdraw-1 [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:36 AM]: Failed to withdraw item [Pestle and mortar] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:36 AM]: Let's try withdraw-all [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:36 AM]: Our first option is: Withdraw-1 [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:39 AM]: Failed to withdraw item [Unicorn horn] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:39 AM]: Let's try withdraw-all [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:39 AM]: Our first option is: Withdraw-1 [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:41 AM]: Failed to withdraw item [Pestle and mortar] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:41 AM]: Let's try withdraw-all [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:41 AM]: Our first option is: Withdraw-1 [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:44 AM]: Failed to withdraw item [Unicorn horn] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:44 AM]: Let's try withdraw-all [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:44 AM]: Our first option is: Withdraw-1 [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:46 AM]: Failed to withdraw item [Pestle and mortar] [INFO][Bot #1][04/28 12:57:46 AM]: Script Perfect Herblore has paused!
  12. The bot is still just clicking on the home tab over and over not doing anything. Mirror mode still doesnt seem to be fixed
  13. When mining the amethyst crystals you will gain unidentified minerals, if you have the option toggled on. The bot is very inconsistent with them. Sometimes it drops them, sometimes it will bank them. I would like to see an option for the bot to drop or keep them in the settings. :)
  14. Would love to see the addition of an option for greater click delay like you have on motherload mine.
  15. I do have it set up to repair the struts. I dont have it set up for the random repair. will have to do that.
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