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Everything posted by javidamme

  1. 1.5M can start right now my skype javidamme
  2. i have never used an proxy and would like start to use it anyone have suggestions of good proxy? and also is it hard to setup?
  3. javidamme


    +1 for zuzel this conversation was more entertaining then a comedy movie haha
  4. nice account if it didnt had the cmb skills and u would selling it i would throw a 100M offer
  5. javidamme


    can do 6m if still needed my skype: javidamme
  6. got it the required skills lvls? so yh i can do for 5m
  7. can do this for 5M tomorrow add my skype if intrested javidamme
  8. 1.5M skype: javidamme
  9. 15m message me on skype if you still need it javidamme
  10. ive gotten minng pet at 42 mining on my main account wile i got another acc with 21m mining xp and still no pet
  11. add my skype javidame cn start right now 7.5M
  12. Yh but ima make it a 10hp 99str range mage
  13. Ooh thought it would be more arent skillers mich worth?
  14. https://gyazo.com/3f53a0ad961a3959ac5a056f9af5c212
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