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Everything posted by mercylad

  1. PM Mio or Jordan when they are online to take a look at your topic mate.
  2. need to know other stats, if def 1 and pray 1 without bans i'll take one.
  3. 15m you supply enough stamina pots and runes to train magic and logs to train firemaking, and also runes to fight the bosses. Will keep you account at 1 def and lowest prayer possible. (just taking the prayer xp rewards from the quest priest in peril).
  4. Can do pre much all of these, pm me with a list of prices per quest and I will hit you back with which ones I can do for you.
  5. What bot do i use?
  6. My questman has an iron cape i can do
  7. Only the popcorn part is off I tend to swap that with some books these days ;)
  8. Sounds good mate let me know:)
  9. Just came here to see if you were dead, stop clickbaiting people.
  10. I can do it for free hit me up with a pm and account details, pre easy would take 5 minutes probably.
  11. Botting your entire rs ´life´ probably increases the chances of you having a real life tho, the irony.
  12. I´m charging 600m for 110 quests so not the entire questcape and this is without botting any stats as most skill requirements for the first 110 quests aren´t that high. Charging 800m for the entire questcape meaning the total 136 quests while botting the stats.
  13. probably 100-200m, get 99 mage and range would make it much better
  14. With the 'right' mod keep an eye shut anything's possible my friend
  15. Edit: If I may bot the stats I can do the entire questcape for 800m, I know how to bot and do quests. I have a main that has a questcape with fully botted stats. Take a look Login time on the account won't exceed 6 hours a day, that includes botting/questing time. E.G. 1/2 hours botting than do a quest or 2 and than take a break and repeat after an hour break.
  16. Quests: 1-110 in order of lowest to highest requirements following your guide. (reason for this is because I don't like training skills and you don't allow botting your skills.) Price: 600m Timeframe: <30 days Team(Who will be working on the service with you)[If Applicable]: Just me, I'm a speedquester the quests might get done in less time if I find the time for it.
  17. I could do quest number 1-109 so 109 quest with the lowest requirements needed. Tell me how much you would be willing to pay for this and in what timeframe you need it to be done. I could do around 4-5quest a day maybe more on the weekends. That would leave out only the last 28 quests for your questcape, which we might come to an agreement afterwards:)
  18. Nvm asskisser of the year goes to new candidate upotudrop
  19. Goodluck, didn't know goldfarms this big were still possible nowadays
  20. And the award for asskisser of the year goes to Imateamcape
  21. Never botted DMM, might give it a try with an account suiciding it see how far it gets
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