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Everything posted by mercylad

  1. You can't say much mate, they are able to check IP logs. If it's true it's gonna get unbanned, otherwise the appeal will get denied. Will take around 28 days to process though, lazy jagex mods.
  2. The only way they will unban your account is if you have been busted on a diffrent IP than the account creation or basicly your own IP that you use to play on the account. Here is the link mate goodluck:) https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new?ticket_form_id=177105 Almost guaranteed unban if it was botted by your friend's IP instead of yours mate.
  3. Tried appealing one of my old banned accounts, bankloot was made.
  4. Stay uneducated son. Like Bruce Lee said, a wise man will get more from a fools question than a fool will from a wise answer.
  5. OT: Read Gadaffi's The Green Book, if you want to learn about real Democracy and how it should be practised.
  6. Like I said before, the real islam protects Christians/Jews/NonBelievers and even ignorant people like you even though they could mean bad. This is starting to get repetitive as people don't have any valid point of say or input to the discussion rather repeating questions which are already answered above. Learn to read fam makes the brain huge;) session closed.
  7. Neither am I leaving Amsterdam fam, I just don't want any Democracy being spread around here or anywhere else where people are fine the way they are. Just how you have the right to live in peace in America those Lybians, Iraqi's, Afghani's, and Syrian's have the same right. What makes you think that you're any better than them? I know most of you are brainwashed by thinking every muslim is a terrorist, but than again that comes out of ignorance which is a dangerous thing to play with. If muslims were terrorist than you'd be seeing 1 billion bombs going off tomorrow fam, better duck. Use the brain that you've gotten, even though it might not have that much of a capacity;)
  8. Having your women work as sex workers in Europe helped Lithuania alot? AHAHAHAAHAHAH Learn your shit mate, half the ho's in Amsterdam are either Polish or Lithuanian. Good fucking shit, I can't say I haven't enjoyed them but than again, shit's legal over here I'm the one who doesn't know about women right's yet you're the one allowing your women to sell ass for some $. I'd resist it if I could but man's hungry too ya know especially when they're as good looking and cheap af .
  9. Thank you for admitting that America has been stealing and plundering, copying a Europe of 500 years ago where slavery was allowed. Now that you've admitted that we can go on to the next chapter. Every action has a reaction, this is a fact that even physics honours as the third law of Newton. Now than, invading a country must have some sort of reaction right? I wonder what that would be. hmmmm......................................................................................................................
  10. Once again, consquences of WW2 which Islam had nothing to do with. Learn from your history rather than repeating it fool. Also while you're at it also learn to crop your images. Btw, that's Soviet Russia's doing probably which doesn't have much to do with modern Russia imo. Also when you take that into perception and compare it to the 80+ countrys the USA invaded in the meantime, it's like comparing a fly with an elephant.
  11. If you knew world history and would care contemplating about what's told to you instead of just taking it as it is, you'd know that Lybia was nothing but a desert land 40 years ago son. Who pumped out those citys from the ground? Look up world debth count till 10 years ago and see which country's in the world were debt free fam. You can look up those facts, go do your own research I'm not here to teach people who couldn't care less about learning. I'm just here to say that the world has had enough of Democracy before it hits my own country. Do you know the definition of 1300 years ago? Islamic countrys in the modern world aren't what they used to be. A few centurys ago things were diffrent. Not one Islamic country in the world is governed correctly through the right perception of the Koran now a days. We were the ones protecting Christians and non believers when they were attacked. That's the right perception, not vise versa. As for the rights of the women, untill a few decades ago you thought women didn't even have the right to vote. As for Islam, women can do anything that a man also can, both the rights of man and women are practicly the same in the Koran. Wether this is being followed or not, that would be man's own fault. We've been told the right way it's our choice wether we choose to follow that right path or stay among the ignorant. Ignorant is bliss they say, but I couldn't disagree more. Stupidness is bliss, because that's when you don't know any better. When you're ignorant, you do know better but you fail to act and that my friend could come to cost you dearly.
  12. Does this sound like slavery to you? If so count me in for slavery. Guess what religion banned out slavery and gave women rights 1300 years before the West came to it. Just make a wild guess, alright it's Islam mate. Those countrys are all Islamic countrys if you didn't know yet. Btw aren't you a slave of the Petro Dollar? http://www.usdebtclock.org/ It's ticking fam, tick, tick, tick, tick. If I didn't know better I'd say it sounds like the ticking of a bomb. I hope I don't have to explain to you what bombs do when the ticking ends.
  13. Can we stop spreading Democracy please? I think the world is officially Democratic by now. Take a look at some of the country's we've been spreading Democracy too. Before and after. I think if we keep going on spreading more Democracy that shit will bounce. Once day Democracy will come to our countrys don't you think so?
  14. I just heard some bullits waking me up in the middle of the night, walked to my parents room to find out my whole family was dead. Walked outside and saw the entire city was just but dirt and dead people. I walk a bit further and see soldiers with the USA flag on their arms. What do I do now.
  15. I feel so much hate coming from this kid @Imateamcape Take a chillpill fam, there are over 1 billion muslims around the world. If they believed what you're shitting right here you'd be dead by now. It's the fastest growing religion in the world for a reason. If you don't want to believe than don't, but we don't need people like you to bash on other people their religion or opinion. I couldn't care less about what you believe in or what any one else believes in. From my part you could go pray to the devil himself, it doesn't bother me. We will only warn you of what's to come. Apperently you're bothered by what's to come hense why you're spreading these propaganda and lies. Just take a chillpill and move on, no one cares about what you're thinking about them or other people. You're insignificant even on these forums where you have a rank, let alone in the big and wide world mate;) Btw if you want to argue on why the world's fucktup right now I'd beat your ass on it. It's probably because some countrys think it's OK to go and spread 'democracy' around the world. Who created ISIS. USA did by invading IRAQ. Who destroyed Lybia and Afghanistan? USA and their allies did. Which country in the world has been invading over 80 diffrent countrys after WW2? You can guess who. I sure know that Russia isn't half as bad as the big boogieman in the West. We could be playing the blame game for days here but just let us look at the facts and judge based on those. Btw past century was the bloodiest century in the human history and guess what dipshit, Islam had nothing to do with it. Just some facts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_United_States_military_operations
  16. I feel so much hate coming from this kid @Imateamcape Take a chillpill fam, there are over 1 billion muslims around the world. If they believed what you're shitting right here you'd be dead by now. It's the fastest growing religion in the world for a reason. If you don't want to believe than don't, but we don't need people like you to bash on other people their religion or opinion. I couldn't care less about what you believe in or what any one else believes in. From my part you could go pray to the devil himself, it doesn't bother me. We will only warn you of what's to come. Apperently you're bothered by what's to come hense why you're spreading these propaganda and lies. Just take a chillpill and move on, no one cares about what you're thinking about them or other people. You're insignificant even on these forums where you have a rank, let alone in the big and wide world mate;) Btw if you want to argue on why the world's fucktup right now I'd beat your ass on it. It's probably because some countrys think it's OK to go and spread 'democracy' around the world. Who created ISIS. USA did by invading IRAQ. Who destroyed Lybia and Afghanistan? USA and their allies did. Which country in the world has been invading over 80 diffrent countrys after WW2? You can guess who. I sure know that Russia isn't half as bad as the big boogieman in the West. We could be playing the blame game for days here but just let us look at the facts and judge based on those. Btw past century was the bloodiest century in the human history and guess what dipshit, Islam had nothing to do with it. Just some facts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_United_States_military_operations
  17. For this reason I won't be arguing like minded people as you. @Imateamcape
  18. Out of context my friend, be less racist you might be able to read things in their proper context;) Anyways, if Islam happend to be the true religion you're kinda screwed at the end times ain't ya
  19. Well hello there mate, could make me a graphix for my forums avatar for starters
  20. How do we know you're not the imposter and he's not the real you? Maybe this is all a dream and neither you or him is you? Osbotception?
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