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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Tony21412341

  1. yeah thats what i meant, sorry. I was suggesting something thats more of a lifetime sort of thing, yet costs less. When you think about it, these ranks dont even have perks, so why not approve of it? One of the admins has said he would be doing this soon a few pages back
  2. not everyone wants to spend the 56$ a month though? Why not just have a 25$ donor which is permanent, but has no benefits?
  3. Yes but so much more money can be put into supporting this site if you were to add lower levels of donation. Not everyone wants to donate 100$ man. And I don't think the forums would look messy :P Besides, its not just a site for scripts, there is also a market in this forums and ranks would let people gain a bit more trust.
  4. Well they've already mentioned that donations under 100$ would only have the rank :P
  5. I personally really like the last one! Good job dude
  6. I'd support this 100% . We should also encourage users to pm osbot sellers/middlemen before trading, as skype's are easily hacked.
  7. Awesome, can't wait! Thanks for considering this
  8. favor in return? A Rank isn't really a favor, though its something they could easily add and would attract more donators..
  9. I support this. We gotta lessen scamming on this site
  10. Sigh, if only she knew Haha
  11. Well it's up to them on how they wanna implement it , if it actually does pass Well it's up to them on how they wanna implement it , if it actually does pass
  12. or why not just get the rank so that it would attract more people to donate?
  13. What do you mean? I believe this would be a great addition to the OSBOT website, dont you?
  14. looks like I'd be eligible for this if only I was more active :P Any ideas on how this rank would look like?
  15. looks like I'd be eligible for this if only I was more active :P Any ideas on how this rank would look like?
  16. Oh ok, thanks. Well in that case then I guess that would be the best way around it. Maybe different colors for different Pip's though?
  17. Sorry but what do you mean by "PiP"? Also, thanks for considering my suggestion I hope he likes it
  18. I agree. I think the exact amount would be too hard, maybe we should just let it be at the numbers $25, $50, $100, $200, $300, $500 $750 $1000 then custom ranks for the ones over 1000
  19. okay maybe not the 5$, but I just tried to make a point you know? Basically, it would be giving more money to osbot and help them support their site, cause if you think about it, not everyone who wants to donate, will donate 100$. I wouldnt mind donating 25$ to the site, and I believe others may think the same way too. Some may even donate more to gain more trust and show their devotion to the site etc. Its a win-win situation, and I see no way this could go wrong
  20. Exactly, I hope the mods look into this and possibly take this into consideration
  21. Right? We also need other donation ranks, would make osbot more lively lol, and donator status wouldnt only be available to people who wanna do $100 (cause most people wouldnt do it)
  22. why not just bot nightmare zone? free runes, and really good xp/hr
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