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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Zappa

  1. Zappa

    AIO BCrafter

    AIO BCrafter Progress: (38.4%) Tasks: ------------------------ Green = Finished Yellow = Incomplete Red = Not started ------------------------ -Tanning -Spinning Flax -Cutting Gems -Making Bracelets -Making Rings -Making Necklaces -Enchanting Jewellery -Making Battlestaves -Crafting Leather -Crafting Green Dragonhide -Crafting Blue Dragonhide -Crafting Red Dragonhide -Crafting Black Dragonhide Let me know if there is any tasks that I forgot to add!
  2. Firemaker Might be somewhat tricky compared to others because you have to get the timing right as to when to light the fires
  3. I save after every line of code I type, kind of a bad habit lol
  4. I thought it would be fixed sooner than this, I really did. I guess I believe in the admins too much (excluding @Raflesia because I trust him with my armour ) Your bronze? LOL POOR No, my suit of armor. You know, my MJOLNIR Powered Assault armor............ You do not have MJOLNIR Mark VI Powered Assault Armor though... Only MJOLNIR Mark V Powered Assault Armor

  6. Sure yours may be way ahead. But your SSF is 25 dollars. If there are two, (I think 's will be free), do you really think people are going to spend 25 dollars on a script when there is a free one? You got some competition @Dashboard, can't wait to see how this turns out. This is actually the fourth script factory haha How come I haven't seen the other 2? QBots has one that is free beta trial right now, and GG is making one
  7. Sure yours may be way ahead. But your SSF is 25 dollars. If there are two, (I think 's will be free), do you really think people are going to spend 25 dollars on a script when there is a free one? You got some competition @Dashboard, can't wait to see how this turns out. This is actually the fourth script factory haha
  8. LOL - we have 4 of these now!
  9. import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Bezier extends Applet implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, Runnable { double[] [] point = new double [5] [2]; int dragged; Thread t; Graphics b; Image offscreen; int mode; public void init () { mode = 3; dragged = -1; for (int i = 0 ; i < point.length ; i++) { point [i] [0] = (int) (Math.random () * 800); point [i] [1] = (int) (Math.random () * 600); } setFocusable (true); addMouseListener (this); addMouseMotionListener (this); t = new Thread (this); t.start (); offscreen = createImage (800, 600); b = offscreen.getGraphics (); } // init method public void update (Graphics g) { paint (g); } public void run () { while (true) { repaint (); try { t.sleep (10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } public void paint (Graphics g) { b.setColor (Color.white); //clears the buffer b.fillRect (0, 0, 800, 600); b.setColor (Color.red); b.fillRect (0, 0, 100, 30); b.setColor (Color.black); switch (mode) { case 1: b.drawString ("Adding nodes", 10, 20); break; case 2: b.drawString ("Deleting nodes", 10, 20); break; case 3: b.drawString ("Moving nodes", 10, 20); break; } for (int i = 0 ; i < point.length ; i++) { b.fillOval ((int) (point [i] [0] - 10), (int) (point [i] [1] - 10), 20, 20); } b.setColor (Color.blue); for (int i = 0 ; i < point.length - 1 ; i++) { b.drawLine ((int) (point [i] [0]), (int) (point [i] [1]), (int) (point [i + 1] [0]), (int) (point [i + 1] [1])); } double[] current = new double [2]; b.setColor (Color.green); for (double t = 0 ; t <= 1 ; t += 0.0005) { current = Bez (t, point); b.fillOval ((int) current [0] - 2, (int) current [1] - 2, 4, 4); } g.drawImage (offscreen, 0, 0, this); } // paint method public double[] Bez (double t, double[] [] point) { if (point.length == 1 /*|| t < 0 || t > 1*/) { double[] New = new double [2]; New [0] = point [0] [0]; New [1] = point [0] [1]; return New; } double[] [] New = new double [point.length - 1] [2]; for (int i = 0 ; i < New.length ; i++) { New [i] [0] = ((1 - t) * point [i] [0]) + (t * point [i + 1] [0]); New [i] [1] = ((1 - t) * point [i] [1]) + (t * point [i + 1] [1]); } return Bez (t, New); } public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseMoved (MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e) { dragged = -1; } public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e) { } public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e) { if (e.getX () >= 0 && e.getX () <= 100 && e.getY () >= 0 && e.getY () <= 30) { // red button was clicked switch (mode) { case 1: mode = 2; break; case 2: mode = 3; break; case 3: mode = 1; break; } // switch (mode) } // if (e.getX () >= 0 && e.getX () <= 100 && e.getY () >= 0 && e.getY () <= 30) // mode: 1=add; 2=delete; 3=move else if (mode == 1) { dragged = -1; double[] [] temp = point; point = new double [temp.length + 1] [2]; for (int i = 0 ; i < temp.length ; i++) { point [i] [0] = temp [i] [0]; point [i] [1] = temp [i] [1]; } // for (int i = 0 ; i < temp.length ; i++) point [point.length - 1] [0] = e.getX (); point [point.length - 1] [1] = e.getY (); } // if (mode == 1) else if (mode == 2) { dragged = -1; for (int i = 0 ; i < point.length ; i++) { if (Dist ((double) e.getX (), (double) e.getY (), point [i] [0], point [i] [1]) <= 10) { // delete this index for (int j = i ; j < point.length - 1 ; j++) { point [j] [0] = point [j + 1] [0]; point [j] [1] = point [j + 1] [1]; } // for (int j = i ; j < point.length ; j++) double[] [] temp = point; point = new double [temp.length - 1] [2]; for (int j = 0 ; j < point.length ; j++) { point [j] [0] = temp [j] [0]; point [j] [1] = temp [j] [1]; } // for (int j = 0 ; j < point.length ; j++) } // if (Dist ((double) e.getX (), (double) e.getY (), point [i] [0], point [i] [1]) <= 10) } // for (int i = 0 ; i <= point.length ; i++) } // else if (mode == 2) else if (mode == 3) { for (int i = 0 ; i <= point.length ; i++) { try { if (Dist ((double) e.getX (), (double) e.getY (), point [i] [0], point [i] [1]) <= 10) { dragged = i; } // if (Dist ((double) e.getX (), (double) e.getY (), point [i] [0], point [i] [1]) <= 10) } // try catch (Exception ex) { } // catch (Exception ex) } // for (int i = 0 ; i <= point.length ; i++) } } public double Dist (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { return Math.pow (Math.pow (x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow (y2 - y1, 2), 0.5); } public void mouseDragged (MouseEvent e) { if (dragged != -1) { point [dragged] [0] = e.getX (); point [dragged] [1] = e.getY (); } } }
  10. Don't take him seriously. There's a reason this is in the spam section oh... lol
  11. They are going for 135-145m...
  12. It is a bug because the price is not $7.99
  13. Thanks for posting this. I also pmed Raf about it.
  14. Yea, this post is old. I have learned a lot since then haha. I basically made that when I first started scripting.
  15. http://hooooooooo.com/
  16. Do not promote Gh0st, he is a mule
  17. damn, the intro on the last one got cut One of my favourites:
  18. Next Super? Chief Next Global? Jason Next Chatbox? Gh0st
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