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  1. Nederlandt

    Combat Helper

    could you try to add a prayer flicker so people could do infernooo easier id def buy if u do so
  2. could i get a 24H trial please? id like to test this out.
  3. ive got a skiller lvl 3 with 1 skill lvl 98 fletching, id sell it to you for 15M
  4. i can offer u a lvl 3 skiller with 1 skill lvl 98 fletching id ask 15M for it, pm me if interested.
  5. for 40m (u can trade it to a trusted middelman , at your cost) i could make a lvl 3 skiller u make the account and email adress off the account ill do the leveling by hand not botted real quick) ill do 1-70 cooking, fletching, agility, woodcutting, firemaking or i also have a lvl 3 account has 1 stat lvl to 98 wich is fletching, nothing else, u can have the email account of it and all it's info for 15M, currently it's 12days of membership left. send me a message if you are interested in this.
  6. Do you agree with the Requirments (included paying a deposit):yes how much? What tasks are you willing to do:all skilling tasks excluding runecrafting. What is your Skype: meanweansponsor (hardcore natan) How long a day you can be online to do services:6-18hours(weekends less, party alot in weekends) Have you done other services before:no
  7. i could do this for 3.5m , also transfer your wealth to a trusted middleman or set a bink pin, i wont need your bank anyways.
  8. id do it for 7m, within 24hours after payment to middleman of your choise.
  9. just orderd firecape trough private message on osbot and the sites livechat, waiting till completion of order
  10. and great, they said that i left fury on the account as wel, where is my fury? ooh right they took it after i posted this!
  11. just right that it will ruin your service for sure, well you ruined my account by stealing my gold, give it back and go back to your **** service idc, u wont get away with scamming idk who of u 2 did this but i want my money back.
  12. one of the 2 has scammed me idk wich one of them i think nay did it but since he didn't do it like he said, i'm left without my money, without my stats i paid for, how will this end? i mean they scammed me for loads and i want it back, i think it's not normal that he still isn't banned
  13. first of all nay you're a f*cktard, i hope you'll get banned, you prob will after the staff reviews the evidence pictures of skypechat, picture of me on my account before he started the service trading him 35M for the order holding 34K d bones, i had total of 49K d bones on the account i know it perhaps seems sketchy but it's a brand new account and i bought gold for 99 prayer got it to 71 and had 49K~ d bones left aprox 200M, ooh and can u guys notice what a coincidenc that a day after i get scammed nay got 250M 07 gold for sale suddenly, strange isn't it , also after i accused him of scamming he kept saying did u agree to tos, did u not have bankpin etc etc like he want to shuffle it on my neck wich is bullshit i hope u can see this, i also will provide a picture of the order i made at the gold selling site so u can see i have the money now nay might say "he could have moved the money" then no single scamreport like this would be valid, it can Always be moved also something else sketchy about nay, he told me that the account needed 4m for the service, now his worker says that there was only 2m cash left on the account, wouldn't i leave 4M on it cuze he said so? even if i moved the gold wich i did not, wouldn't i have left 4m on the account and not 2m that was on it? some1 else did this, nay ofc evidence removed idk why but if i use the icon it shows me a cross in a box it says you are not allowed to use that image extension on this community
  14. What do you need? : Powerleveling 30-70 atk/str/def Payment method? : OSRS GOLD COINS Will you go first or use a middleman : i go first Do you agree to the TOS? : yeah What is your Skype? : MeanWeanSponsor Have you clicked 'like' on the first post of this thread? : yeah i did
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