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  1. Script name Khal Thieving - trial length 2 days - Reason for trial - Doing reviews on my youtube channel on different scripts to use and ban rates.. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Yes I will Thank you.
  2. Script name Khal Pest Control - trial length 24hrs - Reason for trial - Looking to purchase for my zulrah bot farm. Just wanna see if ban rate is low with this script. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Yes I will Thank you.
  3. @Fergussnape98 I should just win
  4. Title says it all! Pm me or add me in discord! RsMikeeyPs#6023
  5. I will buy 10m! I sent you a friend request in discord!
  6. I can make couple of accounts for you! skype: mike.stanly2
  7. I can try if you want? my skype is mike.stanly2 or discord: rsmikeeyps#6023
  8. got a 50 att 65 str 75range 1 pray account! mith gloves! pm me if interested or skype: mike.stanly2
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