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  1. Frankly doesn't work for me either, tried editing both JRE & JDK. Running on windows 10
  2. Would be nice if you could share some more information about how you used the script on what kind of account and how long that account has been around for. Thanks
  3. I might be intrested in buying this script but IDK what minimum stats are to get going; what stats do you +- have? And any quests done?
  4. on EU servers, had a major disconnect about 10 minutes ago but it seemed to be my own internet, so far besides that not much disconnecting
  5. Just out of curiosity, is anyone else still on Version 171.5 ? Have been for a couple of days
  6. Go to Ninite.com & select Java 8 yourself in the checkboxes. I just installed a new computer Windows 10 64 Bit and it worked perfectly
  7. No idea if this is intented but it does not allow you to save more than 4 tasks? Tried several times & it would only restore up to 4 tasks I had in line. Also, how would u launch this script from a saved setting through your CLI program? Thanks, this is absolutely a wonderfull script and so is your other work!
  8. I had done it for over 14 days up until now, with an occasional agility break in between
  9. I didn't think it was possible, unless it was a delayed ban. But I got banned (2-days) on a sunday today! I was wondering if anyone else got caught? It does say Bot Busting Moderate, would this mean they held a Bot Bust action or is it just the name they give it? Thanks Edit: Did bot almost non-stop for over 48 hours though, "splashing"
  10. Failing to initialize here aswell, just after the game update though. Doesn't seem to recognize NPCs anymore
  11. Damn that was quik, i'm trying it out atm, very nice alchemy is auto implemented. Don't see a burry option for bones though i'll keep u informed ^^ Edit: Any chance u could differentiate between Steel Dragons & Iron Dragons (Brimhaven) It's more profitable to be doing Steel Dragons constantly when you're using chaos runes Edit 2: Minor things: - Doesn't loot Adamant 2h sword (Iron dragon)
  12. Any chance I could try this script out before buying? Looks really great, worth the money
  13. Hey Czar, I was testing the script at the dragons today & I was wondering if you could implement anti-fire (6 minutes protection) & extended anti-fire potions (12 minutes protection) detection, just like you have done with all other potions? I would suggest this by checking the feedback messages like "your shield absorbs most of the dragon fire!" + "Your potion protects you from the heat of the dragon's breath!" If the potion message wouldn't be registered it could check for (extended) anti-fire potions? (Or a checkbox "Fighting metal dragons" Some other notes: - Alchemy option seems to get stuck rotating between magic book & inventory tab - Alchemy setting on items doesn't seem to save properly, it turns into items looted (=keeping in inventory) instead of "alched". Which forces me to re-enter 10 items separately each time I want to run the script Other than that, awesome script so far, extremely versatile Tip: I have a friend @Jardem interested to buy the script ;) this would be cool to see fixed
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