Hey Czar, I was testing the script at the dragons today &
I was wondering if you could implement anti-fire (6 minutes protection) & extended anti-fire potions (12 minutes protection) detection, just like you have done with all other potions?
I would suggest this by checking the feedback messages like
"your shield absorbs most of the dragon fire!" +
"Your potion protects you from the heat of the dragon's breath!"
If the potion message wouldn't be registered it could check for (extended) anti-fire potions?
(Or a checkbox "Fighting metal dragons"
Some other notes:
- Alchemy option seems to get stuck rotating between magic book & inventory tab
- Alchemy setting on items doesn't seem to save properly, it turns into items looted (=keeping in inventory) instead of "alched". Which forces me to re-enter 10 items separately each time I want to run the script
Other than that, awesome script so far, extremely versatile
Tip: I have a friend @Jardem interested to buy the script ;) this would be cool to see fixed