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  1. Hey fruity, I don't know why, but the script keeps equipping the granite maul and does not re equip the dharoks greataxe. Any fix for this ?
  2. You really killed the thread but it's okay. OSBot is just shit in general it seems right now. No one is gonna pay for expensive private scripts to just bot some skills if they have 40+ scripts for all skills etc. on this platform. I'm not trying to build a farm and spend hundreds of euro's on a single custom made script (private) lol. I can see people constantly complaining in the discord servers that they get banned within 2 - 3 days of botting with OSBot currently, i have the same experience and this is why i ask if anyone has a solution to make a SINGLE account succesfully just for personal use while stating what i've already did. But i guess it's impossible and i will tell others to be aware and use other clients in that case.
  3. I'm not gonna pay for custom scripts of course, that would be insane. The question is how to make it work on OSBot currently. I had great success with many other clients at the moment, but i refuse to pay monthly / per hour since i have 40+ scripts on OSBot and i like the platform for years. And like you can see, for me it doesn't make difference. I always clear up the random.dat files and the mac address since i used to do it in the past, but many people agree that it doesn't work and i also don't see a difference with it currently.
  4. I change my mac address, remove the random.dat files etc. after each ban since the tools for this are easily available and i have those on my PC for ages. I have been a botter since 2016, those things are not new to me. And by the way, most of the scripters would agree that these things will not be ''flagged'' as long as you aren't making huge farms.
  5. I've stated in the post that i don't use any proxies. It's not 10 accounts on the same home IP at the same time since i travel a lot and stay in different places. You could say that i've botted 3 accounts per Home IP. Read again. That is not the case and Jagex doesn't ''flag'' IP addresses. Please let someone with knowledge on the topic respond.
  6. Hey guys, I don't understand it anymore, i have been botting for years and years but i can't make it work anymore. I have been trying to make more then 10+ accounts the past few weeks since I've came back and all of them get banned insanely fast. What did i try ? : 1. Make fresh accounts, train them by hand till 100 quest points +/- , base stats 30 - 40 by hand (some even way higher) and trying to build up botting. (max 1 to 3 hours in a day with different activities) 2. Make fresh acc's, train quests by hand, bot skills extremely slowly (max 60 minutes a day including a break, many time i do the breaks manually). 3. Buy accounts with 40 or 60 base combat, some random skills already trained and the accounts were rested for a decent amount of time to bot afterwards extremely slowly again. 4. I've tried no breaks, I've tried different runtimes and breaks all the way from 20 minutes runtime and doing breaks, up to 3 hours - 4 hours runtime with very different breaks each time i got banned. 5. I've used legacy accounts and Jagex accounts both. I don't bot at hotspots like MLM, GOTR and i have not touched agility for one bit. The skills i bot are ''AFK'' skills like fletching, cooking, woodcutting etc. with using the slowdown option on the script itself to decrease the intensity of the scripts, it doesn't matter what i do, how slow i train, how easy the skills are, but i will get banned within a couple of days trying to bot the account. All the accounts were made members, i don't bot in F2P. I don't use a VPN or proxies that might get the accounts flagged. I try everything i can to not look like a bot, to not train like a bot. It just looks as if it's impossible to create new accounts or even to use older accounts with higher stats and that i've rested myself to bot on OSBot currently. I have 40 + scripts on OSBot, spend a lot of money in the past few years on the scripts and i have made soooo many high level main accounts without getting banned in the past, but it seems like everything i try to do now is just failing so hard. What else can i do to even create a single acc that won't get banned. From what i understand on the forum, is that there is no difference at the moment in terms of detection between the stealth client and using mirror. Is this still the case ? Anyone that can offer me some advice on what to do other then ''Do things differently'' ? Greetings, Dutchsmoker420,
  7. @Token exactly this issue is also for me. its widespread.
  8. @Token The buying system is broken for me. It doesn't buy the items required to run the quests, i need to buy the items myself and then it works.
  9. Eagles peak quest is broken as fuck. It won't walk to certain spots and is just stuck in the cave the whole time on multiple occasions.
  10. Why are people so freaking impatient lol, the staff is working on it and we just have to wait.
  11. Just be patient, no reason to make a new thread. Its an update and sometimes they change alot on Jagex side which forces OSBot to update their client.
  12. Hey all, Like the title says, how can i exclude OSBot from my VPN ? i can't find it under ''bypass VPN'' because it's not installed and i cannot press on the executable itself when i try to search for it in the VPN. I also tried to just bypass Java from my VPN, but that doesn't seem to work. I can also exclude websites or IP adresses, is that something that could work ? Thanks in advance.
  13. Can i also get a trial ? (I hope i did not ask for it before in the past years, sorry if i forgot.)
  14. Bot is broken for me, doesn't start up. Can't use it right now. Logs: ''at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) at k.nUL.i(xb:143) [INFO][Bot #1][09/23 09:11:10 PM]: Shutting down script background executors'' @Juggles @Malcolm
  15. Hey Fruity! As always, script running great, now i have many maxed cb accounts already xd The only thing is, im getting stuck @ bob with the repairing, the bot goes to repair it and after its done the bot will open the minigame teleport where it doesn't click on Nightmarezone and it does not teleport. Am i doing something wrong or is it a known bug you are working on? Thanks in advance !
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