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Trade With Caution
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About Stitch

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  1. Oops! Something went wrong! You do not have access to our chat room.

  2. Oops! Something went wrong! [#CHAT-03] You do not have access to our chat room.
  3. its pretty good if you dont have a mouse and still wanna get around some of the older generations of gamers played with arrows
  4. Looks amazing, good job
  5. Cause my email is clean, only used in businesses. I will not dispute the money, because I still got what I paid for. I'm just pissed I was added to a phishing list!
  6. Disputed member: http://osbot.org/forum/user/218773-guesswhosafes Thread Link: - Came to me in chatbox and sold me 5m OSRS for paypal, I told him to go first cause he was a shrimp I did buy the gold. Explanation: I only use my paypal email for paypal, and after I made the payment I started receiving phishing emails saying someone from russia has connected. He added me on skype too but blocked me. I don't remember his skype id but if you look through the chatbox logs (if you can check private messages) it will be there, he never logged in on skype to talk with me so I couldn't grab his ip. Evidence: I'm 100% positive that this guy is the reason I started receiving these emails. I hope nobody falls for this.
  7. Stitch

    Help me?

    I'm sorry for your heartache, she probably did something or met someone that changed the way she feel about you. Breaks rarely ever work. You should go see a counselor and a lawyer before she takes your home too.
  8. Stitch


    This is crazy good bug, I'm really impressed Keep it up!
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