Must be tough for a scripter with as many and big scripts as yourself to maintain, run, update and bug fix everything for everybody. But alas i've paid $20 for the script so im gonna go ahead and post some issues im having.
1. When using afk mode at sandcrabs, i've come back to the bot so find it running back and forth rapidly between afk tile and a random spot. I'm assuming this is because agression from the crabs is gone and it's trying to run away to get the aggro back but it's bugging sometimes. Someone said "lmao look at this bot" in the chat so that's a bit concerning...
2. On another f2p alt im trying to level up through security stronghold. Through opening the aio fighter script it doesnt seem to work. Standing in edgeville bank, using trout as food and typing that in to the gui, and selecting flesh crawlers and zombies as npc's to kill, it doenst go anywhere, just stays in the bank. I see you have activated the trial for stornhold security wich have been working alot better. But it's just a trial i guess?
Anyways, using the stronghold script instead i've been standing in the second floor and choosing the high lvl zombies and flesh crawlers to fight. But it just runs to the lvl 35 flesh crawler room and stands there afk. If i disable script and run back and resume/restart again it still runs to the same room and stands afk. Only when i don't tick any boxes for any npc's to fight does it work, but only on the lvl 35 flesh crawlers..
Hope to hear back from you soon!
Edit: No matter what npc i choose to fight in the 2nd floor of security stronghold it runs to the same room with the flesh crawler -35
Edit 2: I switched to this fighter script instead of the aio stronghold, and went to the exact spot i wanted to train and used fight boundries, it now seems to work properly and also found itself to edge bank. But then when it's supposed to go back i stand afk in the section where you just entered the 2nd floor and then the script stops..