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  1. hi wondering if blackjacking has been perfected yet or tweaked
  2. Hi there, does this support blackjacking yet?
  3. hi, my character is iron man, so when i start the script, it runs to bank, and brings up the screen that checks what items i do and dont have. I have most of them, but not all. the script gets stuck there. Do you need every single item on the list for the script to start? as its impossible to have everything as an ironman.
  4. Hi is this script currently working flawless?
  5. S0905523


    hey mate could u send through that trial. gonna try the ardy monastary iron now
  6. thanks for sharing. any particular reason you dont use new mouse?
  7. if you check playerauctions there are lots of these for sale, around 50-60$ usd
  8. enjoying following this. Can you elaborate on which other scripts you are using to get your "other" stats up, such as 55 crafting, wcing, fletching etc. when are you doing this? in between quests etc? would like more detail on scripts you are using and botting times and breaking times. are you using new mouse mode?
  9. S0905523


    yes please if you could send through, i will try maybe on the weekend
  10. Yeah, that is why I am certain it was your miner. Ive got multiple accounts running in Fruity NMZ, also multiple running your Autobuyer script in Script Factory, they are running 24-7 no bans. I ran your miner about 1 hour 30 minutes a day, over the span of 2 or 3 days. one of the days may have ran for 3 hours. Varrock East mining iron mostly.
  11. thanks Molly. hope your medical issues are okay now. Let me know if you manage to rectify the issue. thanks again
  12. S0905523


    any way you can confirm if it works or not? happy to purchase the script if it does just not sure if the script would do it, as usually the script teleports to bank the ores. where as in this mining method, the miner walks to the bank, banks the ores and uses the cloak to teleport BACK to the mining spot. so its kind of backwards.
  13. that is a hunter bot. your mining script is compromised, this is your miner thread.
  14. S0905523


    How can i make it use the Ardougn cloak teleport?
  15. banned within 3 hours worth of botting, fully quested, main HCIM account. Steer clear of this script...
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