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  1. Hand made NMZ ready account. 60-60-60 + quests + rock cake. Pc please
  2. Hey, as naked said your VPS is most definetly flagged and no good to use for botting, pretty much all common vps/vpn/proxys are. Id recommend investing little bit into private socks5 proxies that only you have access to, if u wanna greatly reduce the ban rate
  3. You simply dont use any bots on your main if u dont want to risk getting banned. No matter what script you use to bot, u can get banned..
  4. @Khaleesi Hey, whats ur highest Woodcutting level you reached with this bot?
  5. Wait what, is it confirmed that Warding will be added to OSRS?
  6. Did you also set how many tuna to withraw from bank? And if you have and it still doesnt work, just try to restart the script. Ive used tuna last time 1hr ago, works fine.
  7. Hey @Czar, Can i test this out?
  8. Very low if you play smart around it. @Juggles Hey buddy, some delay on those progress pics cuz i decided to progress more. Currently running few toons with 60,60,60 stats and few pures with 60att 60str 60range 60 mage! ?
  9. @Juggles Did some research, looting seems to be working fine with ''Item,Item,Item'' style, but wont loot some herbs like avantoe, irit leaf, kwuarm, cadantine. But pretty minor things, overall very good script :) Will be posting progress pics soon of one week usage on few characters :p
  10. Hello @Juggles, theres a problem with the looting It loots items that are in ''include loot-table'' but nothing that i put down myself. Ive tried to type loot names like this ''Grimy kwuarm,Grimy cadantine,Grimy irit leaf'' + ''Grimy kwuarm, Grimy cadantine, Grimy irit leaf'' + ''Grimy kwuarm, Grimy cadantine, Grimy irit leaf'' just example items, but nothing seems to work, and ive made sure the items are written just like in the game.
  11. Doesnt work for me, it wont move around to attract rocks crabs... so it just stands idle
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